Chapter Fifteen - The Gatekeeper

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We wasted no time getting to the rest of our group. We ran through the corridors and followed the trail of unconscious soldiers to the open area we had seen on the cameras. Once there we were meet by what looked like two dozen bodies piled up on top of each other and Adam, Ellie and my sister searching through their bodies. All three of them looked exhausted. Their faces looked worn to the bone; it probably did take a lot of energy taking on this many soldiers.

"Jesus Christ!" Meg shouted getting their attention. "Are they all dead!"

"No," Adam said. "Most of them are unconscious, some mildly maimed, a few probably comatose or will have serious brain injuries but there were zero deaths. I'm almost 98% sure about it. " He sounded proud of himself.

"How did your bit go?" Ellie said taking periodic glances up at us as she continued searching. "Oli's lip is bleeding and his cheek is busted, so I'm guessing you got into some trouble." 

"Is that someone else's blood on you?" Adam asked as he looked up at me. I hadn't even noticed the blood or the swollen cheek until they mentioned it, now that she had, I could feel the pain in my body begin to miraculously appear. 

"It was one guy, I handled it fine," I said quickly before anyone else could say anything. "But explain to me how you guys are still alive, they were shooting at you and you were heavily outnumbered.

"Turns out they weren't using live bullets, Transgress made these concussive bullets that knock you out on impact," Ellie said as she moved to the next body. "Anyways, when they came they gave us the whole hands up speech, then Adam started shouting at them after that everything just went to hell. I got hit by one of the shots and went out for a bit, but Steph managed to get me up. I threw my fans and managed to get two guys with one throw but they started advancing towards us and Adam had run out of bullets, so we thought we were screwed until we heard the powers were back up. Adam didn't hesitate to make an electric grenade and chuck it at them, I went more offensive and teleported behind them and attacked with the fans. Stephy was probably the most useful here, they probably would have overrun us if she hadn't managed to instill fear in them, they all froze in fear and Adam hit them all with a lightning bolt."

"Huh, okay. That sounds pretty amazing." I said bewildered.

"Found it!" Stephy shouted as she pulled a card from one of the bodies. "That's two right."

"Yup, now we just need a code from the guard with the card," Adam said as he got up from next to a body.

"How are you going to do that?" Meg said. "there are only five conscious people in this room and none of them have the code."

"We give one of them a jumpstart." He said as he walked up to the body my sister had taken the card off of. With his hand glowing vibrant blue he pressed it against the chest of the soldier he instantly shot up like a jack-in-the-box, startling almost everyone.

"Start talking." Adam wasted no time. "What are the codes for the elevator."

"I... I... I don't-" He said squeamishly before Adam interrupted him.

"Bull! Now try again with what I want to hear."

"I swear I don't know. Please."

"You had the elevator card, meaning you have to know the code. So, tell me the card or things are going to get hard for you." Adam said but the soldier looked petrified and said nothing. "Alright, Oliver time for you to be useful for the second time today."

It didn't phase me what he was asking me to do, but when I did I went into a panic "Can't Ellie beat him up or Stephy do some emotional damage to him." I tried to hide it  but my hands were shaking violently in my pockets. I could still feel my heart pulsing in anguish and hurting someone after that was the last thing I wanted to do, I was also scared that I would go overboard and kill him too. My mind began to sink into itself slowly.

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