Chapter Two - The Caffeinated Encounter

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That in itself was enough to make me ride my bike faster than I thought my legs could take me. By the time is was far enough away it was already 8:28, which meant I was almost half an hour late for the first lesson of the day. My mind was racing, the handlebars wiggled with the fear that coursed through my body. As I got closer to the school I tried to piece together why in God's name Trench coat and the other Transgress goons blew up the store because of one woman and why she was so damn important to kill seven other people for the price of one, I could barely think straight with the anxiety began to build up in my chest like a weight and the softening sound of ringing that still buzzed in my head.

I turned a corner and the Williamsdale High school logo was partially visible from where I was. When school was in full view, I could see the red bricked walls laced with history that grew from the ground, held together by dying cream coloured pillars. The roofing of the building rolled of the edge like a cascading waterfall frozen at the edge of a cliff and the giant oak wood doors held fast at the fore front of the school. I was at the threshold of the school to find the doors were locked. I parked my bike in the racks and ran around the school to find a way in. As I was losing hope in getting in, like an angel from heaven, the school janitor exited the back door to throw out some trash.

When I finally got into the building the first lesson had already ended and the second lesson was already in progress. I make my way to F1 and peaked in throught the little widows on the door, everyone staring at the teacher with glazed over eyes. Before I entered I paced around outside the class trying to calm myself down enough to face my teacher. When I walk into my chemistry class, all my classmates turned almost simultaneously and stare at me, the anxiety just came back. "S...s..sorry I'm late. There was an explosion on my way to school, so I had to take a detour." My teacher, Malcom McFaralen gave me the most hateful stare I've ever received in my whole life, he never did really like me for some reason. His grizzly salt and pepper beard was curled and rugged, his brown eyes gave of hate and his silky short brown and grey hair made him look like a war-torn military marshal, but not like Trench coat.

"Get Your ASS to your chair NOW!" I walk past my classmates all murmuring and snickering about me, as usual. In the sea of damning eyes only two made me relieved, my only friends Juan Serrato and Pepper Hunting.

Once I got seated Juan leans in to whisper to me. "Bravo on making McFaralen pissed, not only have you made him hate you more, but you have also managed to put him in a crappy mood. If that's not a two for one deal I don't know what is." His hair was a mess of black hair flopped on itself and his amber eyes glinted under his large green rimmed glasses making his foreign features almost natural.

"And next time choose a better excuse I mean really. Do you honestly think he believed you?" Pepper whispers to me, her voice was fierce but calm at the same time. Her brunette hair was gracefully let down to the right as it always was. Her chocolate eyes stared right through mine compelling me to tell her everything that had happened to me throughout the last few hours. Around her neck was the arrow necklace I got her for her twelth birthday reflected the light into my eyes. I tried to rip my eyes off her, but there was something about the way the light glistened in her eyes or the picture-perfect smile that seemed to move me.

"Well, whether he believed it or not, that's what happened. I just missed out some details." Finally peeling my eyes away from her.

"MR. STARK!" McFaralen shouted my name as if I was on the other side of the world. "Would you care to share with the rest of the class whatever it is you and your compatriots are discussing." The whole class staring at me once again, "No. Okay then you wouldn't mind coming to detention, would you?" I didn't say anything because I knew it would just make things worse. "Bring your friends as well, I don't think they would like to miss out. So 4:00pm I should see the three of you in my office. DON'T BE LATE!"

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