Chapter Twenty - Mortality Check

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Bullets torpedoed towards us, as we hid behind the tombstones. Adam threw a flurry of bolts towards the Transgress soldiers coming towards us. Juan hid behind a tree close to me, using an assault rifle to try to mow down any soldier that dared get too close. Ellie tightened her scarf around her arm, the black mass growing trying to wash away all the grey. She peeked over the top of the tombstone, then disappeared in a cloud of blue only to return a few seconds later with a gun of her own and began to take shots at the advancing opposition.

"Megan, stay with me, ok." Stephy pleaded to the bleeding redhead, her hands smothered in blood from pressing down on the bullet hole in her stomach. Meg's Transgress outfit was an awful shade of maroon now. Her eyes fluttered rapidly as my sister tried to talk to her.

"They're getting too close, Ellie get us the hell out of here," Juan shouted from the tree, still firing forward.

"I barely have any juice left to get myself out of here. I used it get the gun and even if I didn't I still couldn't have got all of us out of here." She screamed back to him.

The tombstones crumbled away at the touch of the bullets, my hand went over to my cheek and wiped away the tears that ran down my face. In an instant, I was then thrown out of my own body, I watched myself now in the third person. Looking at the whole group futilely fighting back uneven odds. "Stay down." My voice filled the air, but my lips never moved. It was my body, it had spoken but I had no control. Suddenly he stood up.

"OLIVER, GET DOWN!" Adam yelled out to him, but he didn't listen.

"Stay down." He said once again, I looked closely at my body and saw glowing amber eyes, like watching the sun at the break of dawn. "I've got this." He hopped over the tombstone and between him and my friends a wall of fire erupted from the ground.

Like a rubber band I was slung back into my body, but not in the last place I left it. I was now in a comfortable office, almost like Akari's office but the walls were a soft shade of green. It did share the same large style window behind a black ornate desk overlooking however it was overlooking A.R.D.O labs, the peaceful greenery around the laboratory grew untamed in the background of the other buildings as the sun began to sink bellow the treeline. On the desk were paperweights over files, stacked evenly and systematically beside a monitor screen that faced away from me. A black landline sat upon the desk and beside it was a picture frame. The photograph inside was of a beautiful woman with long jade black hair that somehow rippled in a still image, her olive-green eyes reflected the honeydew glow of the sun and like a cup of warm hot chocolate, her smile warmed my heart. She had a beige fleece sweater on over a white linen dress and a familiar grey scarf draped around her neck. On her lap sat a child no older than three with cheeks so round and shiny. Her short pebble black fell gently over her face so that it almost eclipsed her emerald green eyes that were filled with childish joy. I found myself sitting on a comfy leather chair, my arms relaxed on the armrests and beside me on a very similar seat was Ellie. She looked dazed, so much so that her eyes fluttered at the speed of light as the adjusted to the new scenery.

"Would you like a drink? I didn't think Justin would knock you both out. Honestly, I'm more surprised your alive given your past." The greasy smooth voice seemed to slither into my ear from behind me, I turned to see Major Kevin Colts pouring himself a glass of whiskey over by a black bookshelf that stretched over the wall, more photos were displayed on them, but they were of him and other men in army attire. Ellie flung herself out of her seat and ran for the door at the end of the room, she twisted at the handle frantically, but it didn't budge. "Once you're done with that, please sit so that we can talk." He sauntered to his chair, a glass of whiskey in hand.

"There's nothing either of us want to do with you, much less talk about with you," Ellie said as she marched back.

"But you must be wondering why I haven't just locked you up in a holding cell or even handcuffed you." He said between sips.

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