Chapter Five - Night to Remember

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The green of the trees blurred as we raced down the roads, the winds chill nipping at my fingers. Kate's grip on my stomach was light, her fingers interlocked above my bellybutton. I could feel the rise in her chest as I speed up, her grip slowly tightens against me. The road became smaller and rough as we turned into the forest, the thick green surrounded us growing to the size of towering spires of leaves and branches. The road slithered through the trees and branching into different directions with the only light coming from the Nighthawk. As the forest grew denser the faint sound of music could be heard in the distance, then scarlet lights pierced from the tree lining as the road grew slowly. Rows of cars appeared parked in the trees, some with people still in them doing God knows what, outside a large open area with trees surrounding it and a clear view of the sky.

I parked the bike as close to the entrance as possible so if I had to leave it would be simple. The clear area where the party was had been completely renovated, there was a DJ booth in the far end of the field with giant speakers that blasted music and flood lights with a red filter to create a romantic setting. In the left side of the field was a row of games booths and a prize shack close to the entrance. There were couples laughing as they throw skee balls and winning prizes for each other. In the far right was a white tent with the mouthwatering smell of cooked goods emerged from it, there was a whole buffet of food placed out with drinks on the side. The food looked especially good since I hadn't eaten yet and I've been trying to hold in the temptation to eat the garlic bread that for some reason Kate was still carrying at her side. Right next to the food tent was a larger tent where I guessed was where you would eat. People were already sitting at tables with their dates or friends eating and chatting.

One of the closer tables sat Juan and Pepper with a giant teddy bear in front of her, Juan was wearing a green tux that matched his glasses with a black bowtie and his moppy hair was still messy like he hadn't even tried to do it. Pepper was wearing a purple dress that glistened in the red floodlights, her arrow necklace glinted in the lights and her brown hair was tied in a bun, but one loose strand of hair curled in front her right ear. They were having a heated conversation about something and Juan seemed to be losing, but they looked like a couple that had been together for years. I took Kate's hand and we strode towards their table through the crowd of people, and once we got to where they were locked in an intense stare off.

"Hey guys, I wanted you to meet Kaitlyn," I said interrupting their death glares. Juan was the first to look away, but he looked shocked rather than pleased to see Kate. Pepper, on the other hand, was ecstatic to meet her.

"Thank God, a tiebreaker. I can never trust Oliver as one because he always sides with Juan, but finally a neutral." Pepper squealed.

"Is this how they always are?" Kate asked as Juan and Pepper began to bicker again.

"Sometimes, other times they somehow get along, very confusing," I whispered back to her.

"Okay, so basically this walking sack of potatoes believes that killing animals for food is good," Pepper said.

"When you say it like that it sounds bad. Really, she's saying we should all be vegans"

"No, not vegans, vegetarians. Why kill animals for your own personal gain when you can have freshly grown goods."

"Okay, so I'm guessing you are a vegetarian then." Kate interrupted them.


"That's good, killing of animals isn't always amazing. Especially how they are treated before the slaughter and all the drugs they are given to give more meat..."

"Ha." Pepper scoffed at Juan.

"But," Kate continued. "meat does contain the necessary vitamins need for growth and other things that us humans do need..."

The Amplified : Fire Blight (Book 1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora