Chapter Eighteen - Seeking Doom

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Just as my eyes opened, I was shot out of my dream in a panic. Sweat had completely soaked the back of my shirt. I was breathing so fast I thought I would pass out again. Blinding light shone into my eyes from the windshield in front of me, I tried to stretch out my stiff body but I was obstructed by the people beside me. It took me a moment to realize that everyone was looking at me, understandably I did jolt awake. Adam was now seating to my right of me and Meg was still to my left, in the front Ellie sat next to Stephy who was now driving which was concerning due to the fact that she hadn't gotten her drivers license yet, but we were about to break into a military research facility so little things like that didn't seem to matter.

"You good?" Ellie had turned around to scan me, but then I realized that it wasn't just her, everyone was staring at me like I was a ghost.

"Yeah, I'm great. Just a bit of a nightmare. What time is it? Shouldn't we be at Bloomington already?"

"It's nine and we should be there in twenty minutes," Adam said quizzically. "are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. I thought you said we'd be there by five."

"You were really asleep through that?" Stephy said with confusion on her face but still, worry was trapped in her eyes as her gaze came at me from the reflection of the rear view mirror.

"What are you talking about?" I asked a bit as frustration built up inside me. While glancing back forth between everyone who was watching me, I started to notice things in the car. The radio was now missing, the rear-view mirror hung oddly and wobbled with the motion of the car, some of the windows in the car were broken or cracked, the top of the car had a huge indentation coming down towards me and what looked like bullet dents in random parts of the interior. "Clearly I missed something."

"Honestly, it's better you don't know," Ellie said.

"Really all you need to know is that we are now all banned from St. Louis." Meg casually said like this is something that just happens

"I'm sorry what?!"

"Don't worry about it, if anything we should be worried about you. You've been asleep since we left and that was ten hours ago, we all tried to wake you up even, Adam even shocked you but nothing." Stephy questioned.

"So, what, you aren't going to tell me happened in St. Louis?" I asked as they continued to avoid that topic.

"Oliver, we need to know you aren't going to be a liability at A.R.D.O labs. If we mess up in there, it's game over." Adam made the point clear; his electric eyes left no joke to be made.

"I'm fine okay, there is nothing to be worried about. I just needed to get some rest and now I'm good." I slouched back into my seat, finally, everyone's eyes lost interest and looked away. "So, what's the game plan, Adam?"

"We have to play it smart the whole time we are there, no kind of deviation from the plan at all. Directed to you and Meg specifically Oliver." He pushed that point heavily. "Once we get the uniform from The Canary's guy we need to find our way into the compound without getting caught. Once we are inside we split up, Oliver and Ellie are in one group, rest of us will stick together. We find the Silver Fox and get out without any casualties or incidents and if we can get any information even better. Ellie, I don't have to tell you this but Oliver and Stephy, you two are walking into the lion's den. Everyone in there wants you two, so please keep a low profile the whole time we are there. We will figure out rendezvous points when we are inside. Do not use powers unless it is absolutely necessary. If we stick to the plan we should be able to get in and out without causing a fight." As Adam finished explaining the plan to us, chirping noise filled the car. I pulled out the phone from my pocket and picked it up.

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