Chapter Thirteen - The Long Haul to Danger

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Meg and I had kept alternating between driving to avoid waking up the three in the back. The car had an old copy of Monkey Business by Black Eyed Peas inside that just kept looping. We tried to change to the radio or remove the CD, but nothing seemed to work. The car was probably owned by a college kid because food bags lay on the dashboard and half-empty bottles of coke sat in the cup holders. When Meg checked the glove book she found some money, a stack of old receipts, not so PG items and a box of tissues. About four hours into the drive we stopped at a drive-through and bought enough food to last us the rest of the trip. I technically didn't have my drivers license yet, but I was more concerned the police would stop us and notice the two criminals in the car. That wasn't the case though, we had managed to drive for nine hours before things got bad and by that, I mean Adam finally woke up. It had been so peaceful until I saw his crystal blue eyes flutter open, suddenly the weight of the world pushed down on my chest and I could feel sweat begin to start forming on my forehead. Meg and I shared a short glance knowing we had no way to try and explain what was happening.

"There're a few Subs in the bag at your feet," I said to him, my voice cracked ever so slightly.

He looked at me dazedly before grabbing the bag and started unwrapping the sub from its plastic. "How long have I been out for." He asked as he took a chunk out of his sandwich.

"About nine hours," Meg replied nervously.

"And we aren't in Alliance yet." He said curiously as he took another chunk out of the sandwich.

"I think we'll be there in two hours, there was a bit of traffic on the way here."

"Traffic on the road to Nebraska, in the middle of March? That's weird." He said sceptically.

"It's been a weird month," Meg said, trying to cover up our mess the best she could. It was silent for a few minutes, Adam continued to take bites out of his sandwich while staring out the window of the moving, for a while I thought we were safe, but then Adam broke the unnerving silence.

"Stop the car." He said calmly.

"What? Well, lose time if we-" I started before being cut off.

"Stop. The. Car." He said again but with more aggression, his eyes began to glow a violently. I slowed down the car and pulled it over to the side of the road. "Get out, both of you." He said with force. We gave each other a look of fear and hopped out of the car with him doing the same.

"What's wrong?" I asked but he just looked to make him more furious.

"Don't play dumb with me. Where the hell are we because we clearly aren't anywhere near Nebraska." He asked, and I knew we were done for.

"What are you talking about Adam, I think you're still a bit tired." Meg tried to continue the lie.

"That's what I thought but we've been driving south since I woke up and I've been to Alliance enough times to know that there aren't any mountains. Now, are you going to make me torture the information out of you or are you going to tell me."

I sighed and made a silent prayer "We're in Colorado." I said quickly, ripping off the band-aid. Adam hands formed into a ball of electricity and then punched a hole through the door the KIA RIO. Inside the car, Stephy and Ellie jumped to life, pure confusion on their faces.

"ARE YOU JOKING?" He blared at us like a foghorn.

"Adam, we didn't do this to ruin the mission, just hear us out," I said trying to calm him down.

"Everything you've done hasn't been to ruin the mission, but they still do. We have lost nine hours that we could have taken to get closer to where we need to be, but you-" Adam screamed before being interrupted by the sound of the car doors close.

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