Part 35

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Meghan Polinsky's POV.
Day 25, night

"What is it?" Darren's voice rang out. My mind was speeding around with unanswered thoughts and questions. "I really need your help. Ana has been against my ideas for a long time but I really need your help. I want to go out--" I start but get interrupted by Darren gripping my wrist and swiftly dragging me down the dimly lit hall.

"Darren! What are you doing!" I yell as quietly as my frantic state could muster at night with multiple people sleeping in this house.

Darren threw open the door to a closet and stepped inside before pulling me in with him. "What the fuc-" I try but he slaps his hand over my mouth. I try to pull his large rough handoff but it doesn't budge. "If you don't try to leave I'll let go." He says into my ear. I nod reluctantly. He removes his hand and I take a breath in. "What the actual fuck Darren," I say angrily.

"Ana's always listening. You need to learn to keep your mouth shut around here. I mean it, you don't know what Ana's capable of. She may seem nice, but trust me. She's not." He says and this shiver down my spine is from immense fear. "W-What do you mean?" I stutter.

"I mean, Don't talk about leaving this place because you can't." He says creepily but I am still going to stand my ground here. "No," I say crossing my arms.

"No?" He repeats viciously.

"Yeah. No!" I repeat with confidence. Darren can be the nicest here sometimes but other times he switches moods so fast I can't keep up.

"You can't say No to me," Darren said annoyed.

"Oh, yes I can! And I will. Since when was a man supposed to tell me what to do?" I said crossing my arms. "Hm? What's your reply, Darren?" I snapped. "I'm waiting."

Darren looked to the ground ashamed. "Sorry."

I smiled victoriously. "Good. Now here's what's going to happen here. You're going to take me outside and we are going to look for Lucas, and we are going to find him and bring him back safely. We will be doing this every day until we find him you hear? And if you try to say no, I will tell Ana how you spoke to me. That you warned me." I said triumphantly.

"Yes. I hear." Darren said shooting deadly glares at me. "Good. Come on let's come out of the closet." I say laughing at my own inquiry in my head. We leave the closet and I go down the hall. "I'm getting changed into better clothes, wait here," I state before tiptoeing into Darcy's room, which was my room. I stop when I see Michael laying next to Darcy fast asleep. I roll my eyes but can't help the smile.

I beeline for the closet and flick on its light. I look at all the clothes Ana has lent me. I choose dark colored jeans and a long-sleeved shirt. I pull over a green jacket. I look in the back and find a pair of boots that look to be my size. After assessing my outfit choice I walked back into the hallway where Darren continued to wait.

"Let's go," I said walking past him without even looking in his direction. I go to the front door and begin to unlock it. "What are you doing?" Darren asks.

"Going outside to look for my friend? We discussed this already Darren." I state a matter of factly. I undid the last lock and just as I was about to pull it open, I felt someone come up behind me. I looked up to see Darren place his hand on the door and close it back again. I said nothing as Darren grabbed my hand and pulled me to a room. God, not this again.

"What now?" I asked with a huff. Darren looked at me confused before opening one of the many doors in this house. I looked inside the room only to be shocked by what I saw. A shiny black Jeep. "Oooooh," I said happily. I clapped my hands together before jumping down the stairs. I watched Darren move to a chest in the back of the garage. I watched him open it and pull out a gun. No not one gun, multiple guns. "Why do we need guns...?" I asked as politely as I could to a guy who I didn't fully trust who was holding a gun.

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