Part 12

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Meghan Polinsky's POV.
Day 3, Afternoon

We all stared at Edmond with wide eyes as he dropped something and it rolled to where we were all sitting.

"You had water this whole time. And you didn't even bother to share." I said picking up the plastic water bottle that was more than half empty by now.

"Then I would have none for me," Edmond said with too much honesty.

"You... you are the most selfish and vile person here! If we found food or water we would share with you!! All we are trying to do is survive and you don't even have the decency to give us some, but instead, you would rather just watch us die!" I screamed until my voice broke at the end of it, from lack of water obviously.

Lucas was shaking his head and Darcy looked like she was about to cry. "Why Edmond...we saved you." I finished quietly.

I picked up the water bottle and stared at the torn paper and dirt over the plastic. But on the inside clean clear water was sloshing around. "When did you get this," I said.

When Edmond didn't answer I threw the water bottle at him. "When did you get it!!" I screamed. I wasn't even caring if I looked crazy or if I was scaring Darcy or Michael. I wanted answers and I wanted them now.

"The first day." He said softly. "What?" I said motioning for him to speak louder. "The first-day goddammit! Do you think I didn't want to share?! Of course, I wanted to share! If we all drank the water I wouldn't have any! We are all going to die anyway this is hopeless!! Fucking hopeless!!" Edmond yelled his face turning red. I saw Darcy cover her ears and shut her eyes at the use of Edmond's foul language. And Michael didn't look shocked at all he just stared blankly at him.

Edmond took the water bottle and threw it back at us before huffing and turning around. "Take it. I'd rather die at this point." He mumbled.

Lucas held onto the water bottle and stared at it. After Edmond's outburst, we all stayed quiet.

After some time Lucas spoke up. "Okay... I think we should each be allowed two sips a day. Even Edmond." He said. After hearing that I scoffed.

"Do you have a better idea, Meghan?" Lucas said in a slightly aggravated tone.

"Yes. We don't let Edmond drink any!" I said after giving it some thought.

"What happened to we all have each other's backs? When we have food we share it. And starting now when we have water we share it." He said strongly.

I frowned.

Damn him he was right.

"I understand," I mumbled annoyed.

"Then we will do my idea. Come on Michael let's start gutting the fish." Lucas finished. Darcy and I instantly made eye contact after Lucas mentioned gutting the fish remembering when our past conversations led to that on the plane.

"Make sure you have the right pressure, the scales should easily come off with the right force. Make sure the strokes are short and quick. Avoid pressing too hard in case you make a gash in the fish's liver. We wouldn't want that because of the fatty acids that would drain and poison our food." Darcy explained to the boys flawlessly. They turned around in sync and stared at Darcy wide-eyed.

"Would you like to help us, Darcy?" Michael asked still gaping. Darcy slowly and wobbly stood up on her legs and brushed her hands on her pants. "I'll show you how a girl can get it done." She said smugly. She made her way to the boys and snatched the fish from Lucas's grip. "Watch and learn fellas." She said taking the blade from the 'fish hook' they made with Darcy's shoelace and earring trying to catch a fish earlier and started sawing at the fishes side.

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