Part 7

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Lucas McMillan's POV.
Day 1, mid-day

I felt weights pulling me down.

Heavy. Heavy weights.

All I could see was blackness.

The fear of death was suddenly gone.

This was it. And this was death.

It felt strangely peaceful.

And that's when I realized. I wasn't dead.

But I was underwater. About to be dead.

I felt feeling in my toes, then in my legs, then in my fingers then arms. I felt my body come to its senses and I felt the coldness of the water compress itself against my body. My legs began to kick and I saw a light. I still didn't know if this was death or not so instinctively, I went towards it.

The light got brighter and just as I was expecting to see my mother, I saw plane debris. Fire and bodies floating in blood. Was I in hell..?

Nope. Still on earth. Then it hit me. I was alive. I was fucking alive!!

My body was seeping with adrenaline. My eyes darted quickly around and I spotted an emergency raft floating nearby, not much less than 50 yards away.

My body carried me further and further through the freezing water.

I reached the raft and managed to pull myself up and over. Exhausted, I felt my soaking body clamp down to the rubber matting of it.

I couldn't be the only one alive, could I? Then the bottom of the raft was bumped. My first thought was a shark. But it wasn't a strong enough push.

Then I felt it again, but weaker. I took my chances of it being a human and jumped in the water.

Look, I know I'm an idiot. It really could have been a shark, but my brain used all its strength to get me to the damned raft. I mentally scolded myself realizing how dumb I am. But then I saw the red hair I wouldn't miss.

I saw her body flailing. Then slowly giving out. I swam to her and earned a few kicks to the stomach and... down there. she had some powerful fucking legs for that to hurt so bad.

I grabbed her suddenly limp body and pulled her to the surface. She didn't gasp for air, my heart started to pound, more than it was before.

I managed to pull her onto the sticky raft and started CPR. I was a lifeguard in high school to make extra money for me and my dad, and right now I was just praying I remembered how to save lives as I did then.

I closed her nose and got closer while I inhaled then exhaled in her mouth. Her lips were soft. I repeated that a few more times and still nothing. I put my ear to her chest and could hear a beat. I continued the CPR until she moved slightly before coughing up water.

Her blue eyes met my blue eyes. She looked shocked and scared. I heard screaming come from behind me and quickly turned around. I saw a hand slightly above the water then go under. It didn't come up. I quickly rose to my feet and was about to jump in before the girl started to stand as well.

"Darcy." She said with her wide eyes locked on something in the distance behind me. I tried to get her to sit back down when I saw the blood dripping down her head, Along the huge gash on her thigh that let the blood spill down to her ankle. But before I could stop her she jumped in the water and started to swim towards someone else far away in the water.

I couldn't give it much thought before my body was in the water too. I started to get closer to the person and it was the old man. Not moving.

I got to him and his eyes were open and he was lifeless. His body slowly went deeper underwater and I pulled on his arm as hard as I could.

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