Part 2 • Lucas

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Lucas McMillen's POV.
Day 1, early morning

I woke up to my dreadful alarm ringing the most obnoxious noise ever.

I groaned and shifted around in my bed. My apartment was quiet and lonely. But I ignored it like I do every morning and night.

I got out of bed and checked the time. 9:30 am, ok I had some time.

I put on jeans and a white shirt. I took my bag over my shoulder and grabbed a coffee before turning all the lights off and going to the parking lot after locking all the doors.

I was going from New York to Colombia to visit my family. I haven't seen my father in 2 years.

I got into my old car and began to drive.

I stopped at the gym first. My plan was to work out a little then head to the airport.

After my workout, I took a quick shower then put my clothes on. Now, I was ready for Colombia.

Finally getting into my seat on the plane, I felt sudden relaxation take over me. I was getting really stressed from work and it felt good to finally take a break. Working 40 hours a week as an Automotive technician can get really tiring.

And then I felt my seat lurch forward. I caught myself before I face planted into the seat in front of me and turned around fast.

I stared down at the little boy with blonde hair covering his eyes. I watched as he raised his foot and kicked my seat. Hard enough for me to move forward once again.

"Cut it out, kid. I'm trying to get some sleep." I said sounding harsh. For a second I regretted sounding angry but the regret was wiped away fast when he the boy gave me a look I couldn't quite decipher but then he kicked my seat for the third time.

I turned to the old man seated next to him who seemed invested in his phone. "Is this your kid?" I asked pointing at the boy.

The old man with a wrinkled suit and tired gray eyes peeled his fixed vision from his phone and looked at me, Then at the boy.

"Yes, why? Is there an issue?" He said dryly.

"He keeps kicking my seat," I informed him.

"So tell him to stop." The man said shrugging then turning his attention to his phone again. I felt the anger in my chest get slightly tighter. What was with this guy? I slowly turned to the boy, who looked ready to throw my seat across the room out of spite.

"Um... please stop," I said and turned around hoping. No praying he got the message so I wouldn't have to deal with this family again.

I felt a kick for the fourth time I was ready to ask for a new seat. I looked at the father again. "Get your child to stop kicking my seat or there will be a problem. I don't want to make an issue but if I have to I will." I said gritting my teeth. Anger was always something I let control me, that's probably why I didn't have a girlfriend or a serious relationship. Or any relationship that lasts longer than a few weeks anyway.

Than sad gray man turned to the boy and said in a monotone voice. "Michael stop kicking the gentleman's seat."

"No!" The boy said. He kicked my seat three times. I quickly stood up and began to walk to the back so I could find a flight attendant and calm down before I hit something.

My vision was slightly hazy as I made my way to the bathroom. I wasn't aware of my surroundings from the biting anger coursing through my veins. I felt a small body run into me and I looked into the blue eyes of the most beautiful girl ever.

The anger dissipated faster than it arrived. That was a new record for me considering... Well, my anger.

I blinked a few times as we held eye contact. Her orange and brown curly hair fell around her arms and shoulders making her silky and creamy looking skin appear as soft as a feather.

"Sorry," I said then realized she said it too. I moved to the right to get out of her but bumped into her once again. I felt a smile tug at my lips looking at her shocked expression.

I moved to the left only to step on my foot. She gave me a smile that clearly hid her embarrassment, but I could see through it. She looked like she wanted to ask if it hurt but it didn't.

She jumped to the side with her head down so I could pass by. Her being embarrassed was kinda cute.

"Sorry cuteness," I said meaning it. And walked by and into the next pod. I thought for a second that maybe I should turn back around and ask for her name. And maybe even her number. But I didn't because that would be slightly inappropriate.

As I entered the next pod I forgot what I was going to do and stood awkwardly for a second with my thoughts consumed with blue eyes and the cute smile that played on her lips.

Then I remembered. The boy. I groaned quietly then approached a flight attendant.

"Excuse me, ma'am," I said touching her arm to get her attention. She turned to me and her blonde hair that was pinned up reminded me of a strict teacher at some boarding school. But her cakes on makeup reminded me of a stripper. It wasn't a good combo.

"A few people are bothering me, may I get a new seat," I asked politely.

She gave me what I guessed was her bedroom eyes. But it didn't affect me for some reason. Maybe it was her looks or the fact I could get blue eyes out of my mind.

"Yes, whose bothering you?" She asked.

I felt the plane go into slight turbulence and me and the blonde both stumbled a little since we were standing. I put my hand onto the wall for support and the lady's hand her hand on my arm and a seat.

"Sorry, sir." She quickly apologized. Taking her hand off me and straightening her baby blue hat and skirt. "It's ok. I know I make for a good place to put your hands." I said chuckling a little.

She gave me a smile that screamed bedroom again along with batting her lashes and I wish I didn't make that slightly inappropriate joke.

I began to lead her to my seat and tried to get through the aisle where a little girl with brown hair ran past me with a scared look on her face. The flight attendant and I made our way around her. I walked past the blue-eyed girl and I couldn't help the smile that formed on my face when I saw her sleeping. But I quickly looked away thinking about how creepy it was to watch her sleep. I showed Blondie my seat from a distance.

"The boy keeps kicking my seat," I told her again.

"I could ask them to move if you'd like? I'm allowed to by the state of the law in the airline handbook since they are causing you trouble." The blonde explained.

"No, I don't want to cause a bigger problem," I told her. She nodded and led me to a new seat across the plane.

The back of the plane was already packed and there was only one seat open. "I guess you will have to sit there. There are no more open seating."

I gave her a smile and said thank you. I went to the seat and sat down next to an older man. He had a beard as white as snow and was wearing an even whiter shirt with a blue tie. He had fancy dress pants on with a black briefcase on his lap. He looked at me but didn't say anything. Just grunted and looked out the window in a huff. But it was better than having the little demon behind me.

With that, I gently closed my eyes.


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