Part 41

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Meghan Polinsky's POV.
Day 26, midday


"Ugh." I complain. I toss my rook onto the table after the 3rd time loosing chess against Michael. "You win.... again." I huff. Michael just gives me a tight puppy smile and nods.

I turn around in my seat and look at the clock for the hundredth time that's been hanging in our room. It's only been 11 minutes since the last time I looked. We've been locked in here for about 2 hours. In those past two hours, Ana brought us a tray of pancakes and slid it under the door. We ate them up quickly and tried to question her again but she was long gone. Occasionally we heard yelling from multiple voices we didn't recognize but ignored it anyways. Now it's 8:20 and Michael and I are cleaning up the chess board we found in the closet.

Darcy woke up about an hour ago and has disappeared with Lucas somewhere in this apartment sized bedroom.

"What should we do now?" Michael says looking up at me.

"Let's go find Lucas and Darcy."

We walk into the bathroom because that's the only room left we haven't checked. Once I see what's in front of me I instantly freeze up. My heart swells and I feel overcome with an unknown emotion.

Lucas is sitting on the bathroom floor with Darcy on his lap, while Darcy has her hands out towards him as Lucas carefully paints them with nail polish. They don't seem to notice us until Michael walks up and sits next to them. Darcy looks up and smiles. "Look Lucas found nail polish!" She says happily.

I smile, "I see that."

Lucas meets my eyes and my smile grows when he sees my face and sheepishly grins. My eyes go a little blurry with tears and instantly Lucas's grin is gone. "What's wrong baby?" Lucas says without missing a beat.

"Baby!" Darcy screech's. "Since when you unholy love birds?" Her smile is huge and she plants her hands on her hips. I chuckle at her and sit criss-crossed in front of her. I lean my head on Lucas's shoulder and pat the spot in between us for Michael.

We sit in silence for awhile as Darcy blows on her nails. After a few minutes Lucas is the first to break the silence. "How long have we been here?"

"In this house or held captive in this room?" I question. Lucas shakes his head. "No, out of the plane and stuck on this piece of land. Away from everyone we know. When we can so easily leave."

I frown at his words. "We can't just easily leave. I don't want us to get in the same situation as last time. Seriously no food. No clean water! I don't want that for us, we've been through enough! We don't even know where the nearest sign of human occupation is!" I start to yell. "I can't. I can't do it I can't go through this again. I can't!" My voice breaks at the end. I bring my knees to my chest and place my head between them. I start to pull my hair but stop when someone grabs my hand.

I look up slowly. A frustrated tear runs down my cheek. I'm met with everyone's caring eyes on me. I relax a little and take a deep breath. Darcy's hand that was on my head moves to my hand and she holds it while taking it away from my hair. When she releases my hand she moves hers up to fix my hair clips. "Thank you." I whisper.

"Meghan. If I believe I can do it, I know you can." She says. I suddenly feel embarrassed. Even the kids not scared. Deep breaths Meghan. Deep breaths. Just breathe.

I nod slowly. "I'm going to get us out of here. I promise." Lucas says looking angry.

"Right now." He says in a finalizing tone.

I blink at him and everyone stays quiet. "Get up." He tells everyone and we all jump up to our feet. "What are you going to do?" I ask while taking the kids' hands.

Lucas says nothing but just keeps walking and out of the bathroom and to the bedroom door. We all follow saying nothing. I can see how tense his shoulders are.

Lucas walks past the door and over to the table me and Michael were just using for chess. He grabs a chair and walks to the door with it. "Lucas what are you do-" before I can finish, Lucas lifts the chair above his head and slams it down on the door knob. Hard.

The chair breaks into pieces and the doorknob flys off. I hear Darcy scream and turn my head away as a wood chips fly past me.

I slowly turn my head back around and Lucas is still not done. He lifts up his foot and literally kicks the door down. I gawk at him as the door hits the hallway floor with a loud bang. He turns around and waves his hand for us to follow.

When we don't move he yells. "We don't have time to waste!" I jump startled and run to him to the door with Michael and Darcy behind me.

As we run down the hallway it's oddly silent. We get to the kitchen and no one's there. "Try the back door! It leads to the garage!" I say walking fast as Lucas reaches the door. He goes to pull it open but it's locked. "Shit." He curses.

"Don't move." A voice says behind us. We all instantly freeze. Lucas turns around quickly as the rest of us turn slowly. When I turn around fully I can practically feel the blood drain from my face.

Ana is standing a few feet away with a gun pointed at us. Behind her is Rosa, Darren and a few random men I've never seen before. The men behind them also have guns. Everyone has a gun pointed at us. Everyone but Darren.

Lucas immediately pushes Darcy and Michael behind him. He tries to push me too but I'm stock still. Panic courses through me. Lucas takes a step forward but stops at Ana threatening voice.

"Move again and I will shoot!!" Ana screams. I hear the click of the gun. She's not joking.

Darcy starts to cry and I turn my head and see tears even in Michaels eyes. "What's going on?" I say and a choked sob leaves my lips. They turn their attention to me and point their guns at my direction. I shake violently.

"We said you couldn't leave." Ana says. "You should have listened." Her threat is hung dry as I look to Darren. He doesn't meet my eyes fully and I see him tuck his gun in his pocket. "Darren..." I whisper but it's as if he heard me he finally meets my gaze.

'I'm sorry' he mouths before Ana nudges her head in my direction. "Take them away." Ana says to the men behind her.

"No!" We all scream as they advance towards us. One of the men with tattoos on his neck grabs my arm and yanks me away from them. "Hey! Let go of her!" Lucas yells advancing to the man. I struggle to get free as I watch one of the other men grab Lucas. "Stop! Let me go!" I scream but it falls on deaf ears. I frantically look to Darcy and Michael and my heart breaks at the sight of them. They are both crying in the corner my the dirty door. "No Meggie.." Darcy sobs.

I whip my head to Ana. "Ana! Please you know us- w-we wouldn't do anything to hurt you guys!" I plead.

"Don't do this!!" I yell looking to Darren now. All he does is scratch his neck. Fucking coward.

I look to Rosa who is just smirking. Bitch. I pull my head forward then ram it back. I hear a crack of the mans nose behind me. He drops me to hold his nose as crimson blood spurts out and onto their clean tiled floor. I kick him in between the thighs as hard as I could and he doubles over. I run to Darcy and Michael as fast as I can. But before I can get to them another man grabs me. I try to do the same to the guy but another one grabs my ankles and I'm lifted off the ground. I start to kick but they are too strong.

"Let go!" I scream but the man twists my ankle and it cracks twice. I scream as a pain shoots up my leg. I scream again as I look to the men who punch Lucas in the stomach multiple times as one covers his mouth with a towel. "Please!!-" I get cut off by someone screaming. Everything goes blurry and Rosa sticks a needle in my arm. "It'll be over soon hun." She says smiling the smile the devil gave her to wear. My eyes close with out any warning.


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