Part 3 • Darcy

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Darcy Allen's POV.
Day 1, early morning

I stared down at my outfit aunt Ginny laid out for me. I didn't want to wear frilly white socks and nice shoes that clicked when I walked. Holding onto snuffy, my sewn bunny, tighter and looking at his little almost torn off gray ear I got sad not wanting to go back home. I didn't like home. Mommy and daddy were gone and our big brown and lonely home back in Minnesota made me sad.

So that's why I'm assuming Aunt Ginny is making me go to Peru. So I can smile again before we go to Minnesota before school starts for me.

Sometimes I get really sad but I try not to let that happen. Ginny is all I have left and I'm very grateful. I smiled at snuffy and sat him down in the little rocking chair by the window. His body wasn't as strong so it drooped in the seat. I put on the socks and pulled the strap over the top of the shoe. I pulled my ballerina leotard over my head messing up my ponytail. When I was finished I gave snuffy a kiss on the head before running downstairs to eat breakfast with Ginny.

"Good morning!" Ginny sang in her happy morning voice. I've lived with her for 3 years now and I love her very much but I still always see my momma when I look at her.

"Good morning," I said sitting at one of the wooden chairs around the table. Glancing up I saw what was laid out around the cherry tablecloth. Potatoes with salt and cheese on them in one big purple pottery bowl, bacon and eggs along with steaming ham all on one big platter. It all still looked very hot since Ginny was still cooking away. Orange juice in a glass pitcher, I could see the condensation forming around the outside. Fluffy golden Pancakes with butter on top melting down the side all the way the crisp white plate holding them. I smiled and sniffed the air. "Smells yummy!" I said happily to Ginny as she sat in front of me.

"I know we usually have cereal for breakfast because we both know I'm not one to cook. But since today is a very special occasion! I have made you the breakfast a queen deserves! Because of my little queen." She said sitting up straight and smiling just as big as I was.

"I love you, Aunt Ginny," I say sitting on my hands and looking at my lap. I've never said that to her much but she made me feel happy today. Ginny was quiet for a second and then said in the happiest voice I ever heard her speak she said. "I love you too Darcy."

"Now, eat up. You have ballet in an hour I need to take you soon... snuffy can come too since we will be going onto the plane right after you're done." She said putting a pancake and some potatoes on my plate and onto hers.

I huffed and took a drink of my orange juice in my cup that Ginny just poured. "But I don't like ballet," I said in a whiny voice.

"I know you don't. But Darcy before your mother... well she told me before she left that when I take care of you that I need to do what she already did then. So she could pass knowing she did something right in life to have her daughter grow up to be a lady. She always beloved ballet made you have poise." Ginny started explaining but I tuned out at the mention of my mother.

I didn't eat much breakfast but thanked her anyway before heading into the car with her. I buckled in Snuffy and myself then looked out the window as it started to rain a little. I watched as the small pellets of water hit the window and gracefully slide down.

I sighed and looked over at snuffy. I wish I didn't have to go to ballet-like him.


I was used to this already. Once every week I went to the ballet. I didn't have friends in that class and it was for two hours! I'd rather play with Ginny at home. Or bake cupcakes with her like we usually do. Ginny never could have children so taking care of me made her happy. She always said that if she had kids they would be fat because she would bake them cupcakes way too often. Thinking about that made me smile.

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