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Suga drove the van forward slowly.

"there is no one, what the hell?" we then got out of the van carefully. No, this must be a trick.

"come and show yourself, Rain. I'm here now!" my voice echoes the whole palace. We stare at each one of us in confusion. We spread our own ways and walk carefully with the guns in our hands. Taehyung suddenly called out for us and we ran to where his tone were. Discovering a body, a man one of my own mens. I softly slapped his cheek, He wakes up and stares at us awaken.

"I thought you were dead." I say.

"s–sir! He sits straight on the floor and looks around quickly and stares back at me. " Y/N is in danger! "

"wife." Taehyung corrects him and Jimins glares at Taehyung.

"no time for that, dumb."

" She is safe with–"

"no she is not, sir! One of us works for Rain!" he pleaded. I felt my heart dropped. Scared. My overthinking got all over me. What if she is dead?


"open the door, sweetie!" he sacrament says in his sweet voice. "kicking me on the balls won't do. Don't even try to think about a fight." I shut my eyes shut. Yes, I'm scared. Turns out he is on Rains side. He is insane. He keeps banging on the door. Maybe hiding in a bathroom with no windows are bad idea. Actually it is a bad idea. Damn it!

"go away!" I shout, thinking of a way to do whatever I can do. I search for some blade and see one. I got it in my hand carefully and hide it inside my long sleeve. I took some breaths to calm my heart down but it won't do. I see the door knob moving and stops. Still waiting with silence. The door burst open and I flinched. He gets to me and roughly throws me on the tip of his shoulder. I screamed and hit his back.

"let me go you moron!" he walks away from the bathroom to the hallway. I took the blade out of my sleeve and stab him on his back. He screams in pain and let go of me. I fall right on my back and stood up quickly to run away from him. Still running towards the door and open it rabidly. Didn't even step outside he got me and holds hard on my arm and my back neck.

"move and you are dead." he threatened and we walk like that to his black car. He made me sit in front passenger seat beside him. I open the door while he was walking to his side seat. He noticed and runs after me. He grabs my hair and drags me to the car. " I'm sure you don't wanna die, right?" he pushed me inside roughly. He starts the car.

"Why are you doing this?! You betrayed, Jungkook!" I say. He ignores me. "answer you little moron!" I shout. He stops the car that made me being pushed forward and hit my head a little. "You dumb!?"

"how can you be so annoying?!" he screams back pissed.

"how can you ask that when you just literally kidnapped me?!" he starts the car again and drove. "where are you taking me?" I ask.

"to Rain. Who else?" he says judges.

"that asshole." he glares at me.

"I wanna kill you so badly. But unfortunately I cannot. Don't wanna be fired or rather killed just because i killed a girl like you."

"First: you are probably fired from Jungkooks work when he finds out who you are working for. Secondly: I would feel ecstatic if you got killed." I said honestly and looked through the window, ignoring his glare. "And Jungkook is going to kill you, not your boss. Mark those words." I added and look back at the window.

"Be gentle for once!" I yelled when he grabbed my arm roughly. The building is old and dirty inside, and full of dusts. Even lights are rarely. It's going to be dark soon. My heart starts to race harder.

"What is this?" I asked nervously and scared, looking at the dark room with full of bloods on the floor. He pushed me inside and got a hold of me. I started to free from his gribs, that was impossible. He took the tape out from his bag and starts to tape me and the chair together. He tapes my arms and waist first and then legs. I was glaring at him the whole time.

"And lastly." he tapes my mouth. I started to hum. Actually, I was screaming.

"Too bad, can't understand you." he winked and walked out from the room. I wonder what Jungkook is doing.


"Y/N!?" I called her name many times, no answer. "this bastard took her!" We got to the van again, Yoongi were trying to hack Daniels phone. I'm only trying to wait in patience.

"Yes! Got it!" Yoongi yells and shows me the location he hacked.

"I'm going to kill them all." I mumble to myself, feeling my hot blood running up with much rage.


The door open and I stopped moving. I stare up to se him again.

"Someone who is exited to see you right now is here." He smirks and moves away, letting me see a man in his 40s years old. He comes towards me with his old big smile and took the tape from my mouth harshly. I gasped. This hurt.

"Who are you?" I asked, giving him a blood glare.

"the one who killed your father. " I already feel the tears running up. And streams down my cheeks. He only smirks.

"leave us alone please, Daniel." That guy Daniel leaves. "Now we are alone!" He clap his hand happliy and says, "you see all these blood?" He asks, pointing at the floor where blood was all over the floor and circle around the chair. I didn't say anything. "It's youuur fathers blood, my dear. Not only his but some others too!" I'm hurt. My heart is in a deep sorrow ache.

"why are you doing this? How could you do this?!" I scream crying.

"Oh! Come on! How can you ask that when it's my favorite hobby?" I was disgusting. I narrows my eyes at him while tears were showing. "Oh, dear. I wish you were here–"

"No! Shut up, you monster! " I cried hard. I tried not to picture it.

"alright, alright! I will stop." he puts his hands in the air and laughs. "And now shall we start?"

"what do you mean? Start with what?" I ask with tremble lips.

"What, what do you mean? We are going to mixing your blood with your fathers blood."

"What are you saying?!" my eyes goes wide with horror. He is horrible.

"What I'm saying is, i wanted to do what i had done with your father." He smirks cruelly.

"you Psychopath!" he took something from his bag, a knife. He stabs the knice into my thigh. I screamed but still managed there. My skin is still strong. He digs deeper. I wonder if dad managed the pain? I wonder if mom knows about this? Feeling already weak and dizziness. Everything was shut black.


After I came out from the car, Daniel was standing there with the others men.

"you piece of shit! I was about to punsh him when his man pushed me backwards.

"Jungkook!" Namjoon came up to me, helping me getting up, Daniel was only smirking.

"Her scream is music." he said, and i took my gun out, Namjoon stopped me again. I looked at him, he shakes his head and whispers,

"Don't, his other sniper man is hiding, they can shoot us any time." I nod a little and put my gun back.

"you shouldn't had trusted me easily, Jungkook." Daniel speaks with his shaking head. I'm trying not to make a mistake and kill him. Not yet.

"Give me back what is mine."

"she isn't yours anymore." he says. "Once she is in the hands of Rain, she no longer belongs to anyone."

"you bastard!" I grabbed his collar, his man pointed the gun on me, i let go off him and backed away with Namjoon. "I'm going to kill you, just wait." I told him and walk away to our van.

"So which plan?" Seokjin asked. I stare at him.

"Plan A is ruined. Let's run for Plan B."

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