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"Jungkook, please calm down, let's continue to eat, shall we?" Mrs.Jeon said. She didn't want trouble.

"Yes...let's eat." i spoke slowly with a nod. Jungkooks hand was still in a fist, he is so trying not to lose control. I should do something.

"Hey, babe." i serenity say with care, holding his hand, trying to calm him down. He looks at me with his surprise eyes yet a calm face. I smiled, of course he didn't smile back. Good thing he didn't push my hand away.

Silent was over us. We all ate in silently. No one talked. Jungkooks mother came to me, told me she needed to talk privacy.

"I'm so happy for him to get a beautiful girl. I'm so grateful! But, there is one thing...promise me, can you keep a special promise?" the last thing I want is i will never break her promise. Jungkook... he isn't open to me and we are only a fake couple. I would feel so bad to promise a lady who is right in front of me with a sad smile on.

"Yes, of coures!" I said smilling.

"I'm begging you. Stay on his side, don't ever let him go. Please." she pleaded crying. I got tears in my eyes too.

"Y-yes of course Mrs.Jeon...i will and promise you that i will always stay by his side...no matter what." i told it to her while hugging her, patting her back slowly.

"Thank you sweetheart!" after breaking the hug, she added, "Well i got to go to get the room ready for you guys to sleep in-"

"For us? Wait, what!? Are we sleeping here?" I panic said.

"Oh? Didn't he tell you?" She asked confused.

"No. Maybe he forgot." I said. You are a dead meat, Jungkook!

"Yes, maybe. I will call you both when the room is ready." she walks away to the other side of corridor. I exhaled deeply. Calm down, it's going to be alright even its not. I
I'm in shook, that jerk didn't say anything about sleeping here. HE TOLD ME WE WILL BE HERE ONLY AN HOUR! I turned around swiftly to see Jungkook standing there like a mannequin.

"Oh, My God! You startled me!" I said feeling my heart beating faster, placing my palm on my heart, calming down. Titling my head to see his eyes, "Wait...did you by any chance, hear our conversation?" I asked waiting fir his talks.

"No, why would i?" he says straight, staring back at me.

"Just asking." I gulped. I looked around before speaking, "AnYway. Why didn't you tell me earlier we where going to sleep here? Look, Jerk. I don't even know you nor your family. So, please next time tell me." i turned around, walking away. Not until he grabbed my arm and roughly pushed me to the wall. "Ouch! Jungkook!?" He came closer, staring directly into my eyes. I felt the sweats kicks.

"Who are you calling a, Jerk to?"

"Um, I'm sorry...i didn't meant to-" he was about to come close to me when someone shouts.

"your room is ready!" thank god! His mother saved me!

"Coming!" I yelled back and walked past Jungkook. I was saved.

"Um...I'm sorry Mrs.Jeon, but we don't sleep together. You know, we are still new to each other." I tried to 'explain'.

"New? What are you talking about sweetheart? It's been one year since you guys were together, c'mon!" How is she so sure? Did Jungkook tell her maybe?

"Um, it's still not that long! We need some more time! We are still new for each other! Haha." i laughed awkwardly.

"Mom, she is right. We are still uncomfortably to sleep together. So please give her another room." Jungkook spoke, coming in from behind her.

"Yes! I would be really grateful if you give me another room!" I could see she was a bit disappointed.

"Well, the other two rooms...Jungkooks grandma and Minhyuk is using it." damn...i will just sleep on the floor then. Poor me.

"no problem then." Jungkook said getting his pijama out of his bag. He planned this by himself without telling me! Jerk!

"That's good! We are in the livingroom if you need anything. And Jungkook! Let grandma see Y/n, she didn't meet her yet." she then left. I swiftly turned to face him. Being the 'angry girlfriend' or fake girlfriend.

"Jungkook! I cannot belive you! You said just an hourrr! And i DON'T have Pijama with me!"

"Shh! Stop shouting will you? You can lend from mine, no need to worry." he says all casually. I rolled my eyes annoyed.

"How could you be so calm?" I murmured.



"Anyway. let's go see my grandma, she wants to see you. Here." he handed me his clothes. Taking them from his hand, we touched our fingers togather. I slightly blushed.

"then, let's go." I say after placing them on the bed.

"not wearing them now?" he asks, staring.

"No, not now. Of course I'm not going to show up like that." I told him.

"So what?" he says serenity. I glared at him, he glares back.

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