Chapter 5 - Mixed Signals

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Paintball was fun. I was definitely looking forward to play it again.

Being in the car with Zack, I couldn't help but wondering about his action during the game. "Why didn't you shoot me?" I asked.

He didn't respond.

I cleared my throat to make my voice clearer. "Why didn't yo-"

"I heard you the first time, Rae." He cut. He's still looking at the road without paying me a glance.

I waited, but seconds passed without any answer. "Well?" I demanded.

His jaw clenched and the car abruptly at the red light. Zack turned to me. His eyes on mine seriously. "Because I didn't wanna win. Happy?" He said before looking in front.

I was taken aback at his sudden mood swings. Despite the illogical answer, I just let the thick air of silence filled around us when the car had started to move. My mind was clouded by thoughts, I didn't realize we're not on the road to the campus. I was about to ask but was cancelled as Zack didn't seem to be in the good mood yet. My body leaned on the seat, just watching the unfamiliar surrounding passing by.

"Don't tell me you turn to this road because you don't want me to go back to my home. Simply because you don't." I referred to his last answer.

"No... We're going to my home." Zack suddenly voiced out softly.

My eyes moved to him, "For what?" I couldn't help to ask more. There's a little emotion as he said the word home

He didn't answer. 

After minutes, we arrived. Zack quickly went out of the car and walked straight to his house. He didn't tell me to follow but he killed the engine; which means nobody should be in the car, right? I went out as he's already taking off his shoes to step in the house. He glanced towards my direction for a second and locked the car, before leaving the door slightly ajar for me to go in.

I carefully stepped in without closing the door behind me, since I needed to be outside in case there's no one else inside. I refused to be alone with him in his house. Who knows what could happen?

In front of me was a set of furniture, a door to the kitchen and an old-man on a wheelchair. His head turned to me as he noticed my presence. By the familiar features, I could tell he's Zack's father. 

I offered a small smile and finally felt safe enough to close the door. "Hi." I greeted him.

The old man smiled back. "You must be Zack's friend." He guessed.

More like Zack's victim, actually. "I am." I confirmed. "My name's Raelyn."

Zack appeared from the kitchen with a glass of water and a packet of pills in hand. "Go have a seat." He said to me while still walking towards his father.

I sat on one of the sofa. The tv was on but my eyes were glued on those two. Zack gently gave the water and pills to him and watched as his father swallowed them. There's a cringe expression as he gulped the water - probably because of the bitter taste of the meds.

"I've told you I can do this by myself." He said after handing the glass to Zack.

"You were asleep. I just wanna make sure you take it on time." He justified. He put the glass and packet on the table. "I saw the food's untouched. Aren't you hungry?" He asked.

"It wasn't a long time since I was awake."

Zack nodded understandingly. "It's okay. Let's eat now, shall we? You can't have empty stomach after taking these."

"Let me take the food for you." I offered.

Their eyes darted to me.

I pointed at the door while standing up. "That's the kitchen, right?"


"You don't have to, young lady." He cut Zack's sentence.

Zack looked at his father with brows creased.

"She's here as a guest. Treat her as one." his father said strictly.

Zack's face didn't seem like he agreed but his mouth stayed shut.

"It's okay, I'd like to help." I insisted and started to step towards the kitchen.

No voice was stopping me anymore so I continued my intention by searching for the food first. The table was empty so I opened the pot on the stove to find a porridge. I took the ladle and stirred it slowly. The temptation to taste it was urging but sticking to my etiquette, I let it died.

"You can taste it if you want, you know." Zack's half-whispered voice was heard closely at my right ear. I was shocked and the ladle was dropped from my hand.

I turned around to face his figure which was just inches away. Automatically, I shoved him not so harshly so that he took a few steps back, adding our distance.

A playful smirk showed on his lips.

My face stayed a frown. "Not cool." I stated.

He turned to a nearby shelf to search for a bowl. "That's quite impossible because I'm the coolest guy one could ever know." Once he found one, he stood back in front of me with a half smile plastered on his face. "Now if you can move aside..."

"Not until you stop being cocky." I folded my hand. It was supposed to be a joke but the self-claimed Mr. Cool Guy curved his smirk once again and slowly stepped towards me. I reluctantly took a step back until my back was stopped by the kitchen cabinet.

He leaned in slightly which made me low key shook - only to put the bowl beside the stove. I released a breath of relief, but he steadied himself as he kept his hand there.

Have I told you that the stove was at the corner of the kitchen cabinet? No? Well it was. So I was locked.

And so were our eyes.

My heart didn't feel like moving for a moment. It was like being hypnotized. A part of me wanted to run away, another part was curious at what this guy's up to. I just stared at his almost perfect face and wondered how God could make such a beautiful creation, with such a miserable soul.

My thoughts was snapped when Zack wet his lips. Oh no, he's not gonna do what I think he'll do, is he? He tilted his head, slowly closing our distance and that was when the alarm set in my brain.

"Tell me, Mr, have you ever being kicked at where the sun doesn't shine?" I asked.

Thank God my voice didn't come out shaking because at this rate I wasn't even sure if I was still in control of my body anymore.

He stopped his move. And smirked. "Good. I'm expecting you to not ask the question first if Edward does something like this, though." He said in a serious tone before walking out of the kitchen, leaving me confused.

I blinked at what just happened. So it was just a test? I swore internally. How naive it was to think that he was possibly dropping hints. Of course, everything was about Ed.

I groaned and turned around facing the stove to fill the bowl with the porridge before walking out of the kitchen.

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