Chapter 15 - Safe

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Ed was right.

The window wouldn't budge one bit no matter what materials I threw at it. "I give up." I sat back on the bed when the room's door suddenly opened.

Ed casually walked towards me.

"What was that?" I asked him regarding to the alarm.

"Oh, that?" He replied, not looking as worried as before, "Charlie trespassed. I've brought him back to Mrs. Maine straight away though. Sorry it took me long." He stated.

My brows furrowed. "Who's Charlie?"

Realizing my confusion, Ed let out a small chuckled. "It's a cat." He answered. "I should really upgrade the security so that it can differentiate human and animal." He murmured.

My eyes darted to the door. He didn't close nor lock it this time. Maybe I can make a run...

Noticing my body language, he gave a genuine smile. "Do you want me to drive you home?" He asked. "It's getting late."

I glanced back at him and blinked. "Why did you bring me here in the first place anyway?"

"Because it's not safe outside. I have a system in this house to censor any data coming out, so we can talk about anything here." He nodded. "You're never my hostage, Lyn, but I need you to trust me on one thing." He stepped forward slowly.

"What's it?" I considered.

Ed stopped right in front of me. "Don't pack your things first and fly from this city. Give me time to figure things out and keep your secret safe."

I bit my lip.

Nobody else can know...

I looked away, shaking my head lightly. "No." I spoke with a low tone.

"At least until this midnight. Please... If it's out by now, I'll stop it. If it hasn't yet, I'll figure it out and keep it safe with me." He persuaded.

His negotiation made me weak. I hated the fact that my brain started to weigh the risks just for him.

If he discovered it and kept it safe, it's a win for me. If he didn't by midnight, I'd move and start new. But if he decided to use it against me after finding it out... it's the end of me. Same goes if Ed hadn't tried and Zack let it out, though.

The real question is would I take the risk with Ed, or would I willingly letting my future ruined without trying to do anything to decrease the possibility?

Half-heartedly, I said. "Fine."

He curved a full smile. "Thank you." He whispered.

We walked out of the room, stepped down the stairs and out of the house. This place was big, but I wouldn't call it a mansion or a bungalow.

He walked before me at the porch and opened the door of his car. My handbag, watch, purse and phone were all there. I stepped in, checking for the pen drive in my handbag as he made his way to the driver's seat.

Unexpectedly, it's still there.

I felt weird but didn't ask him anything.

The atmosphere in the car was only filled with music. My fingers tapped along the song in the radio to make Ed believe – and myself believe, that I've relaxed. Truth was only God knows what's playing in my head.

After two hours, the car stopped in front of my college.

I took my stuff and flashed him a grateful smile. "Thanks." I muttered.

"Lyn," My hand stopped from opening the door when he called my name. His regretful eyes met mine as I turned to face him. "I truly apologize that I had to drug you. I couldn't think of any other way to make you stop." He said.

I gave him a sad smile. "You could do better, though." I replied honestly.

"I'll make it up tonight." He reassured. "You won't have to worry about this anymore. Now, go take some rest, okay?"

My little heart felt a bit warmth as the memories of him being a caring gentleman to me like a few years ago played back in my mind.

I nodded and got out of the car. Waving each other, he started to drive away.

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