Chapter 7

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Kathy's POV:

Twenty-four hours later, Cleo and I were getting ready for the bonfire party in Zack and Cleo's room while the boys were getting ready in my room. Cleo told Zack about the party, and he and Jesse wanted go, too, to my dismay.

I put on my red lipstick and called to Cleo. "Are you ready? We need to go."

"Ready!" She walked out of the bathroom and looked at me with a grin. "Kathy! You look hot!"

I was wearing a jean short jumpsuit with a pair of black heels. I wore my hair straight down, which looked different than my usual ponytail.

I smiled. "So do you, sexy lady."

"Muchas gracias, señorita," Cleo said in Spanish. Horribly, I might add. "Now, let's go and get the boys! The party started an hour ago!"


"Yo puedo hablar Español mejor que un burro!" Cleo shouted, and I started laughing because she said, "I can speak Spanish better than a donkey!"

"What's funny?"

I looked at Cleo and said, "You do realise you said 'donkey' instead of 'you'?"

Cleo looked at me with a straight face. "No, I didn't."

"Yes, you did."

"I'm pretty sure you're wrong."

"Why would I lie?"

"Because you're jealous of my talent."

"Go on your phone and check."

"Fine," Cleo said. She picked up her phone from the counter and checked. I saw her staring at the screen, and her eyes went wide.

"What does it say?" I asked. I tried to take a sneak peek at the phone.

Cleo held her phone to her chest. "It says that I did, in fact, say 'you'."

"Let me have a look." I went forward and tried to snatch her phone out of her hand.

"I'm not lying!" Cleo tried to run past me, but I snatched the phone out from her hand and read what it said.

"I thought you didn't lie, Pinocchio?" I said after I read the phone.

"Yeah, whatever."

I laughed. "Let's go."

We walked over to my room, and I leaned back on the wall next to the door with my arms crossed over my chest. I began to tap my foot on the floor.

I was clearly irritated that the beast was coming with us.

Cleo opened the unlocked door and popped her head inside and yelled, "Zack! Let's go!"

I jumped in fright when I heard something crash inside of the room.

"Fuck! Fucking fuck!" I heard Jesse yell.

I laughed. Cleo saw me laughing, and she smiled.

"What happened?" I heard Zack ask.

"Oh, nothing. Your girlfriend decided to sneak in and scream, which caused me to hit the lamp right here," I heard Jesse explain. I assume he was pointing at the lamp on the ground.

"Hey, Cleo," Zack said, totally ignoring Jesse. He walked over to Cleo outside of the doorway and held her hand. "You look beautiful."

I saw Jesse appear behind Zack, and I looked at the beast from head to toe. He was wearing black jeans and a white T-shirt with a leather jacket on over it.

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