13. complications

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thirteen . dad
[ narrative ]
JULY 1ST, 2024
unfortunate news
lizzie's pov

✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩

"LIZZIE, CAN I talk to you for a moment? It's sorta serious." Aiden tells me, and I frown as I look over at him.

"Is it something bad? What's wrong?" I ask him, growing slightly concerned.

"Alone, Elizabeth. Please, you'll want to hear this without the company of the whole camp." Aiden says seriously, and I tell Malachi I'll be right back before standing up.

I'm never called Elizabeth unless I'm in trouble, so I know this is serious. Malachi, who was holding my hand, squeezes it to reassure me before letting go and letting me follow my half-brother to a private room.

He takes me to his cabin, which is currently empty other than the two of us.

"Aiden? What's going on? Why did we have to be alone?" I ask as I sit down on an empty chair.

He sits down on his bed, folding his hands in his lap before sighing. "I got some bad news this morning at breakfast..."

"Aiden, spit it out already. You're scaring me." I say seriously, and he gives me a sympathetic look.

"Dad said we can't take you in yet. You've gotta live another year with your mom." He tells me, and my face falls.

"What? No. Aiden, you told me I could come live with you guys. I don't wanna go back to my mom! She hates me, her dumb boyfriend probably went through my stuff and sold anything worth value!" I shout, and he just takes the anger.

"I know, Lizzie. I'm sorry, our house isn't big enough. They're looking into buying a new house in February, so you can—"

"No! I'll sleep outside, I don't care!" I scream, not wanting to accept that I have to live with my mom another year. "Aiden, she's so mean to me."

"I know, sis, I know. I'm trying. I tried to tell them you could room with me, but my room isn't big enough. We physically don't have the space anymore since mom had a new baby—" he rambles.

"Your mom has another kid? And nobody told me? I've got another sibling and you didn't tell me?!" I say angrily, and he winces.

"Okay, yeah, so that's kinda my bad! I was gonna tell you, but there was never a good time." He explains, and I roll my eyes.

"I know I'm not apart of your little new, perfect family, but you or dad could've at least texted me." I mumble, and he approaches me to try and hug me, but I storm out of his cabin before he can.

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