5. night walks

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five          .        night walks
[ narrative ]
MAY 23RD, 2024
past 8 o'clock...
lizzie's pov

✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩

"YOU'RE STILL laughing over Ariana hitting me with that damn balloon?" I scoff at my older brother. "Get a life."

Aiden continues to laugh, clutching his stomach. The event has been over for multiple hours now, but Belle brought it up when we sat down, and now Aiden seems to think it's just the funniest thing ever.

Malachi is just shaking his head at my brother, probably thinking that he's a complete idiot.

I had to change clothing after the water balloon fight since I was drenched and didn't wanna sit around in those clothes for the next 7 hours.

"You're telling me Kate is spending all her time with Connor Noon? Like, Lauren's boyfriend's twin?" Belle asks Malachi, and he nods.

"Yes! Kate is like— smitten for the fucker. It's insane. She finally admitted she liked him a few days ago on FaceTime, but damn, she's writing love songs and shit. The two of them aren't even together." Malachi laughs, but quickly turns to me. "You can't say shit online about that. It's not public information."

I gasp in an offended manner, putting my hand over my chest. "I'm offended you'd accuse me of that! I would never!"

"You would, Liz." He says seriously.

"No!" I argue, sounding like a child.

Malachi just sends me a look, slightly smirking at my childish antics. Okay, that's kinda hot.

"Right... sure." He replies, continuing to smirk at me.

I just flip him off, turning to instead speak with Aurora, but he grabs my hand, spinning me back to face him once again.

"There's kids in the area, Liz. You're gonna do that?" He teases, and I narrow my eyes at him.

"They're asleep." I defend, and he raises an eyebrow.

"They could be awake." He reminds, and I roll my eyes, thankful for the darkness outside, because he can't see the current pink tint on my face.

I check my phone and see a text from my mom reminding me that her boyfriend will be coming over frequently while I'm gone, so I shouldn't question if my stuff is out of place when I get back.

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