4. water balloon fight

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four          .         water balloon fight
[ narrative ]
MAY 22ND, 2024
Water Balloons...
lizzie's pov

✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩

TODAY, APPARENTLY we were supposed to have a water balloon fight, and I'm very scared that rascal from yesterday is gonna be after me and strictly me.

She seems to be out to get me, because she doesn't listen to me, even though I'm in charge of her. She just shouts that I'm not her mom and continues to insist I'm married to Malachi.

Somehow I feel she'd still find a way to get me even though she's supposed to be on my team.

The 2nd graders and 4th graders were on the same team, and then 3rd and 5th were together. I'm not sure how Aiden and Malachi ended up on the same team, but I was hoping both of them wouldn't be against me, because I know they're both really athletic.

Unfortunately the universe hates me, and to add to that, the 6th graders decided they're too cool for a water balloon fight and aren't participating, so Aurora isn't in it.

The kids were all wearing a specific colored shirt based off their teams, and the counselors had a slightly darker shade of the same color on. My team was in blue, and the other was in pink... the color clashed with Malachi's hair, and he wasn't a fan of the shirt.

"Bro, this shit clashes with my hair." He groans, and I laugh.

"Well that's unfortunate." I pout at him sarcastically. "You don't even look bad."

"Did you just compliment him?" Aiden gasps, and I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Uh... I guess? It wasn't my intention, but I'm not wrong, he doesn't look bad." I shrug, and Aiden gasps again.

"The day that my baby sister actually admitted to complimenting a man! Did hell freeze over?!" He says sarcastically, and I roll my eyes.

"No, Aiden, I'm just being honest." I deadpan, and Malachi smiles at me.

"Thanks, Lizzie." He says softly, and I nod, smiling back at him.

"No problem."

The sun reflecting off his hair makes it look like a brighter red than usual, and it looks good. I consider telling him that, but Aiden would just go crazy again since I apparently am not allowed to give any male a compliment in his eyes.

Aurora walks over to us. "Go to your respected sides! You losers are about to start, and the kids need you hoes on their teams, so go."

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