Its For You

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Becky woke up from sleep. Her eyelids felt heavy, she couldn't see anything clearly as the room was almost dark. It took some time for her eyes to adapt to the darkness. She studied the room, which is the most extravagant room anyone can see in a hospital. She tried to sit up slowly when she noticed something weird and looked beside her. On the bed near her, someone was lying on the bed holding her hands. She rubbed her eyes with her other hand just to make sure who was beside her.

Becky couldn't believe that she was seeing Freen still sleeping while clasping her hand. Her eyes started to water immediately after seeing Freen. She must have woken up before me thought Becky to herself. Becky remembered the video footage, she nearly killed her that day. She was so worried about Freen and felt ashamed of how she pushed Freen beyond limits. She held Freen's hand and thought never to leave her again. (a/n Well she doesn't know she is going to do that a day )

Becky held the hand a bit tighter and she saw Freen move. Freen flinched in pain but she was still asleep. Becky bent to look down at Freen's hand. She could see small cuts and abrasions on her fingers. Her knuckles were covered in a roller bandage. She immediately eased her grip placed her other hand on Freen's hand rubbed it slowly and slept.

The sun's tentative rays whispered through the curtains. Becky woke up and saw Freen sleeping like a diva. Her face was more settled and calm. The nurse came to check on Freen's condition. Becky asked her how the progress was. Her vital signs are stable but due to the sedative she will sleep for some time replied the nurse.

After some time Kate came to see both of them. Becky thanked her for saving Freen's life. Kate smiled and said that's my duty and responsibility as a doctor. Becky, you are fine now I don't think you need observation anymore said Kate. Becky was glad that she was okay so that she could look after Freen. Becky also enquired about what exactly happened to Freen. To that Kate answered we don't have to talk about that now, it was due to extreme pressure. You have to speak with her and don't forget to take things slowly. Becky nodded in affirmation.

She asked about the injury and Kate said the cut on her finger was very small but the cut on her knuckles was so deep that they had to suture some wounds. Becky's face immediately adopted sadness. Kate assured me that Freen was going to be fine in no time and she also said to Becky that she'll make arrangements to move one of the patient beds out so that she could be with Freen in the same bed with a snarky smile.


Freen barely opened her eyes to see Becky was still there, beside her. She was sitting on a chair, resting over the other hand, and sleeping. Becky's bed was gone. Freen gradually tried to remove her hand which startled Becky. Becky jerked and looked over Freen. She was looking at Becky calmly.

Becky's eyes shed a sleek teardrop. She went close to Freen and slowly cupped her face. There were no words that required to be exchanged. Freen extended her hand and brushed Becky's tears. Becky took that hand and smooched the palm. Freen slowly held Becky's chin and pulled closer. Both were gazing at each other so deeply. The pressure between them was rising. Becky looked into Freen's eyes and lips back and forth. Small droplets of sweat appear on Becky's forehead. Both knew how the situation would end. Freen's heart is telling her to move closer whereas her brain instructed her to back off. She is in oscillation. Becky's one hand started caressing Freen's cheeks and the other hand stroked her neck. Becky was almost on the Freen's bed.

Finally, the heart won over the brain and Freen moved closer but waited for Becky to instigate. Their lips were almost brushing against each other. Freen could feel the heat in Becky's breath. Both of them let their heart act out closed their eyes and moved a little closer. When they were about to kiss

Knock.. Knock..

The door opened. There, stood Nop with a huge bouquet made up of red roses. Becky scooted away from Freen, stood beside her, and greeted him.

Oh boy! You should've chosen a better way to die, thought Freen to herself. Freen was giving a death glare to Nop. She was looking at him questioning his presence there.

There was an evident disappointment in Nop's eyes after seeing Becky with Freen in that situation. Freen's face grew with a proud smile after seeing his facial change. He greeted both of them and said he came to see Becky. He heard through her mother. Becky's mother couldn't come to the hospital as she went to visit Richie at his place.

I'm fine now said Becky. Nops bobbed and told Becky to look after her health. Nop thought that she would be alone in her room so that he could ask what she had decided about the proposal. After seeing her with Freen he decided not to bring up the topic again ever.

Ms. Chankimha I never knew you were sick too. I'm sorry if I have disturbed you. Please take care of your health said Nop with genuine concern.

Before leaving he turned to Becky and said take care of your health, don't skip your meals, and call me whenever you want. I'll be here for you as a friend and well wishes, he insisted the word friend with a smile left the room. After coming out of the room Nop felt like he was headshot. He was genuinely happy for Becky.

Again there is silence. They were exchanging glances and was not ready to speak up. Some more visitors came to see Freen and the evening passed by. Becky felt bored and felt like taking a walk outside. She told Freen this, I will also come with you said Freen.

No, you are not supposed to walk today. You take a rest I'll come after 30 mins she said, as Freen nodded she left the room. The nurse came to visit Freen to give her medicines. Becky came back with dinner for both. She placed the food on the roller table and moved the table above the bed. Freen tried to eat but Becky stopped her and said you don't have to. I'll feed you.

Freen was interested in that idea and she agreed. They finished eating their food from one plate. She looked drowsy due to her medicine. Becky knew she would doze off soon. So she placed the pillows in a comfortable position so that Freen could sleep well. Becky then dragged the chair near Freen's bed.

What are you doing? Freen raised a question.

I'm.. I'm... going to be in the chair said Becky.

Freen moved gently a little away from the middle of the bed which created a more than adequate space for another person to sleep on the bed. She gestured Becky to use the space near her. Becky stood reluctantly.

Okay, then take my phone. I'll inform the hospital management to arrange a bed or a room for you. You don't have to sleep in a chair said Freen.

Without another word, Becky switched off the light and climbed on Freen's bed carefully and lay beside her.

Silence. There was only silence. They both were thinking of the kiss which was interrupted by Nop. Freen wanted Becky to initiate this time. Becky desperately wanted to kiss Freen but there were some obstacles. Freen felt Becky's uneasiness and extended her hand and held Becky into her arm. Becky was now lying on Freen's chest. She slowly moved her hands to the first button of Freen's shirt, she slowly swirled the button playing with it. Minutes passed by in silence. Freen hand is gently rubbing Becky's shoulders.

Becky... whispered Freen

Becky nodded.

What do you hear asked Freen

Becky tried to look up

No don't move. Just say what do you hear? Freen asked again.

Your heartbeat said, Becky.

It's for you. Only for you. If it's not for you it will stop forever.

That's the most touching thing Becky has ever heard in her whole life. Freen felt her shirt getting wet, she knew Becky was crying. She bent down a little and kissed her forehead. A kiss with only love. Freen doesn't remember when she dozed off. Becky was hearing her heartbeat till her eyelids gave up.

A peaceful night.


With love💜

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Mira C A

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