Meme-orgy lane pt.2

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This is f*cking amazing!
I walked past the gallery, and true to the manager's word their was a sign in the window.
under which it said,
Five dollars wasn't much, but I'd rather have 3 people see my work than just 1 and earn the same amount of money.
I was really happy because this meant I could start getting even closer with Frankie.
Not that he's my main priority or anything.
I could by an apartment we could share....
That would be nice. I'm not painting all the walls red and black but I'm okay to have a shelf dedicated to vinyls.
Ah, I'm such a daydreamer but hey, I'm in a f*cking gallery so maybe this dream could come true.
The exhibit went up tomorrow and I had to be there for opening day...I could squeal!
But my voice is high enough, no need to sound more like a pubescent 14 year old boy.
God. Thinking of 14 year old Gerard was normally cringe-worthy but I was almost proud of myself.
14 year old Gerard drawing zombies in his history workbook and now 25 year old Gerard was gonna be in some gallery.
I'm gonna call my mama know:

"Hey Mama?"
"Hello Gerard."
"So I've got some exciting news."
"I might even make you cry."
"Good cry or Mikey's fashion cry?"
"Good cry."
"Tell me!"
"So I've got an exhibit in a gallery for the next few weeks."
"Really? Where?"
"On the corner of Main and High street."
"I'm gonna go."
"I won't stop you this time. I'm not to ashamed."
"I'm so proud."
"Well I'm doing something."
"I'm going to tell your father."
"Okay. Tell him and Mikey I love them."
"Bye Gerard. Love you."
"Bye Mama."
I hung up and started walking back to campus.
I'm gonna stop for a coffee.
Maybe I'll be brave enough to not make the cashier angry.
I made it to the coffee shop, only being almost hit by a car twice.
I need to look where I'm going.
I opened the coffee shop door and a bell rang.
Why did the shop do that. It stresses me out. How am I meant to steal sugar packets when they know my every move?
I went up to the cashier,
"Uh, I'll have a small latte please."
"Sure. Oh, hey Gerard."
"Oh. Hello Kristen."
"How's Mikey." She really liked this little boy, probably more than I liked him. She started to make the coffee.
"I don't really know. You probably see him more than me."
"Oh. Well from what I've seen from him he's doing well. He's quite a good bass player."
"Has he played for you."
"How romantic!"
"He thought you'd say that if you found out."
"We just ship everything."
She handed me a coffee;
"Now I'm not surprised that you haven't heard from him."
I payed her and decided to leave.
I wasn't one for small talk expect for with Frank.
I want everything with Frank.
I can't think of anything other than the awkward ;) emoticon.
Frank is that emoticon.
I love Frank.
But not that emoticon. I can't text or type so using stuff like that isn't my thing.
I shudder at the thought of digital art.
If Frank wants something techno he can get it.
I'll stick with the fruit. Not the MacBook.
I'm such a old man!
I don't like technology.
I sleep late.
Teenagers scare the living sh*t out of me.
How is 25 going on 70 Gerard being featured in a gallery?
Thank you kind and benevolent God.

AN: I suck.
Thanks for the love

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