The beginning of this chapter might make you Panic!

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<Art Class at Gee's College which I was to lazy to name>

Gerard's POV

"Today is the last class we will spend on the muse portraits. For a class of seniors I have given you too much time so I expect master pieces. Each painting must be the ballad of Mona Lisa." My teacher sniped. She'd given us quiet a lot of time, like half a semester.
She was probably just to lazy to start a new unit.
I got out my sketch of Frank, it was all painted except for his hair.
Note: Paint the dark colours last.
I always made Mikey pinky swear he wouldn't use the yellow marker over dark colours as kids, and it's a little quirk that's stayed with me. I don't waste paint, and then I don't need to buy more paint. Ta Da.
"That is looking very good Gerard." The teacher took note of my work on her notepad before moving on to the next student,
"Why is his forehead so big?"
"That's just how he looks Miss."
"I don't like it."
The poor girl has painted the lead singer of a bad she liked, unfortunately his forehead was almost as large as the canvas.
Turning back to Frank I started to paint his hair black, when my phone buzzed, a text from Frank.

"Hi, I'm in English class. What is the main character in Hamlot? x"

He's clueless. In the cutest way.

"This might surprise you but it is...Hamlot. x"


"GERARD! Is that your phone?"
Great. Miss-Uptight-Baguette-Up-Her-A*s hated phones in class and was most likely going to take it and read the messages.
Glad we don't exchange nudes.
"Give it to me." She held out her palm and I slapped my phone into it
"Who is texting you?" She questioned.
"My Boyfriend." I said, very nonchalantly. Miss didn't look to homophobic, she hated everyone, not gays exclusively.
Whoops I was wrong. She was homophobic.
"Have your phone but cease your sinning!" She put my phone by the paint pots and strode away.
I returned to my painting, adding grey where the light was until I was content.
I hung it up on the drying rack.
"Miss. My work is finished."
"Help others."
She didn't even look at me, like my gay-ness would make her mascara run.
I turned to the girl painting the guy with the huge forehead
"You can help me." She said
"Alright, what do you need."
"Can you mix me a blue colour."
"Uh, blue is a primary colour."
"I mean like, a light blue."
"So who is this guy?"
"Brendon Urie. Lead singer of Panic!At the Disco. "
"What kinda music does he make."
"Most magazines and stuff say Pop Punk but I say 'Theatre-Cabret-in-a-strip-club-with-homosexual-musicians-that-creates-a-new-emo-religion'"
"Sounds promising"
We babbled about music for a bit, she had pretty good taste. Beat that sh*t that girls are alway crying about! Some Zayn guy shaving his head?!
She finished her painting of Brendon is a blue suit and hung it next to mine
"Who's that?"
"My boyfriend."
"What's his name?"
"Frank. Frank Iero."
"Like the school."
"Yeah, he goes there and his dad is principle."
"Doesn't sound like a great place for a young gay."
"I know right. His Dad..."
"I had a friend, who brought her girlfriend to some event and got kicked out."
"Mr Iero really does have a stick up his a*s."
"Let's lighten the mood,Tell me more about Frank. "
"He's really short, so he can rest on my shoulder really easily. His got cute black hair, that always fall into his eyes......"

I went on for a bit before Miss insisted on collecting our work.
"Well Done, everyone has finished their artwork and they all look very good. Dismissed"
I grabbed my stuff and walked out, but not before talking a photo of my portrait to send to Frank.

<Iero House. 5:00>

Frank's POV

"Dinner!" My mum called out,
Ugh, it's so early and I'm so comfortable.
I rolled of my bed and headed downstairs.
I sat down and pulled my phone out of my pocket, seeing a text from Gerard:

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