I'm bored so Frank is going down a trip down meme-ory lane.

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<Iero College>
Frank's POV

I was leaving Music Class.
Ray was staying back, talking to Christa, who he had taken to see a movie at the Drive-In and she, apparently was really quite different outside of school.
Hiding behind the bell of her trombone was a very outgoing girl and Ray was really quite taken with her.
Good for him.
He had got someone to accept him Fro And All.
I was heading home, Music being my last class.

The bus pulled up near my house, and as I walked closer I saw some people loading a box in.
"What's this?" I called to my mother, who was holding the door open for the movers
"I order some art of this hip new website and it's been framed!"
Hip. I may cry.
I will not let her know how wounded I am:
"Okay. Need a hand?"
"Once these lovely gentlemen get this box inside you could help me hang them up."
Okay. I'm not much taller than her so I don't know what help I'll really be.
The men tipped their hats and packed up their van.
I went inside and chucked my bag on the couch, eager to see my mums purchases.
They were probably all old-style portraits or sh*tty interpretative art with too many bright colours.
They couldn't have been bigger than an A1 piece of paper so maybe I could avoid the blinding spectrum.
We hung up some, true to my predictions they were colour-sore splatters.
The last one however was a pretty sky with the cloud spelling out some profound quote.
The airiness reminded me of Gerard.
I looked at it for a while, seeing some words at the bottom, it however was just a signature.
Gerard's signature.
Knew it reminded me of him.
I smiled at the thought of him being in my house, in a permanent figurative sense.
"They look great Mum."
"Thank you."
"HAVE THE PAINTINGS COME?" My father had arrived home, and was shouting down he hall. After my little incident with Gerard he was being louder, to prove his authority or something.
"YES DEAR!" Mum called, standing back to admire them.
I went upstairs, with the intention of playing something on Pansie.
My phone buzzed against my leg, Gee was calling;
"Hello Gee."
"Hey Frankie."
"What's up?"
"Well. I took our conversation the other day as a challenge and went outside..."
"Oh Gerard! I'm so proud!"
"It gets better."
"Tell me."
"So I went to this cool art place. I wasn't really cool enough to go in but hey, I love being awkward so I did. I went up to the desk and asked about pending exhibits."
"Well this is better."
"Just wait. The lady at the desk said that nothing was lined up at the moment and they were completely open to people showing portfolios."
"I had my portfolio, I showed it to her and she brought me back to see the manager."
"Well I tripped."
"Of course. This story was going too well."
"And showed her my portfolio. She said she was impressed with my pieces and wants me to do a small exhibit in a few weeks, during the semester break."
"Oh Gerard, that is brilliant! I am actually really proud! I knew you could do it!
"Thanks Frank."
"I'm so proud!"
"I wanted to tell you first. I'm going to call my folks now."
"Bye. I love you!"
"I love you too Frankie."
I really was proud of Gee, he got of his gorgeous a*s and did something good for himself. It took bit of confidence, that he struggled sometimes with, particularly with new people. I remember when we first met. I was a cocky loser and he was all sweet and shy. Then our first kiss, the tables really turned. He was making me blush just with memories. I remember how my Dad abandoned me and Gerard let me sleep in his dorm the second time I'd ever met him, the last time is been in here we did more than sleep...then Gerard told me he had to 'come out' and know I now that he's the biggest homo. Both our dates were so cute, I need to take him out soon. We always sat so close, I loved that. Our first 'I love you's were sassy, basically our relationship. Frerard is real and beautiful!

AN: so I am bored AF which is why I've updated like 3 times today. If you saw, I'm gonna start another book soon (It's a Cashby!) because I've planned for this one to stop soon, hence why Frank was being thnk fr th mmrs and sh*t. I still love everyone who reads this
-M x

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