Chapter as long as my D*ck

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<A few days later, It is a fridayyyyyyy>
Gerard's POV

I hadn't seen Frank since he met my family but we texted and sent selfies and called ect ect ect.
Today Mikey and the team was going to play against Iero College so I was coming down to 'watch' (meaning hook up with Frank in the furthest bleachers).
My painting had a few bids, the highest 50 dollars but I'm hoping for a little bit more, it is a oil-on-canvas.
I pulled on my jacket and ran my fingers through my hair, it needed to be cut or re-dyed. It is so f*cking messy now.
I cautiously walked over to the football time, hoping Mikey would notice me before I got to close to the other players.
They were so tall, even Mikey, the string-bean he is sized up to them.
"Gerard!" Mikey called and walked over to me.
"Hey Mikes."
"I'm assuming you're not here to watch me play."
"Mikey, I can solemnly swear I probably won't make out with Frank too much."
"Please, I'm trying to get my head in the game, I don't need scary mental images like that!"
"Sorry Mikes. Need me to play some High School Musical?"
"Your gay is showing."
"I was afraid Frank's team would get lost on the way here, they need a beacon to follow."
"I'm done with you Gerard."
Soon, the coffee shop girl walked over,
"Hello Mikey."
"Hey Kristen!" He sounded genuinely happy, yet surprised to see her.
"You don't mind that I've come to watch, do you?"
"Oh not at all."
"It's just I've got the BIGGEST crush on one of the players." She said cheekily, I stepped back, not wanting to intrude.
But not too far back, this was funny and I've been in more awkward situations than this.
"Really? Which One?" Mikey matched her tone. This boy was smooth and I was kinda jealous consider my first conversation with Frank was just a series of 'what?' s and 'um' s.
"Number 17. He's really handsome." Number 17 was Mikey.
"Really." Said the coach, who had walked over to us and wanted to huddle up the team.
Mikey went to hug Kristen but kind of just bumped her lightly with all his padding.
Frank wasn't here yet so I thought I'd talk to her,
"Hello Kristen, I'm Gerard, Mikey's brother."
"Hi Gerard. Mikey's actually told me about you."
"That gossiping little b*tch."
She laughed, as I glared at Mikey.
"Well, I'm just here to watch Mikey, I guess." She spoke softly, it was nice to listen to.
"Yup. Me too. Totally not waiting for my boyfriend and their team to show up."
"Does your boyfriend play?"She reacted really nonchalantly to me dropping the 'b' word which was good, if she was homophobic I'd make Mikey kick her to the curb. He probably would anyway.
"Oh no. He's too pathetic. His Dad principles at Iero College so he gets dragged to games."
"Oh." I sensed Kristen wasn't much of a talker, Mikey was like that a bit too so I think they might work out.
"He's here, do you wanna sit with us?" I asked as the Iero van pulled into its old tire-tracks.
"Yes please."
We walked down to the van and Frank stepped off collapsing into my arms:
"Air! Fresh Air! I could have died in there Gee it smells like sh*t." He really had a flair for the dramatic but I don't think he was kidding judging by the state of the players.
"Hello to you too Frankie." He stood up properly and looked a Kristen, who was standing a respectful distance away.
"This is Kristen." I ushered her over
"Hi, I'm Frank, Gerard's boyfriend." He shook her hand
"Hi." She was a little shy
"Kristen is Mikey's datemate." I said, not knowing if they were together or not.
"Gerard, I didn't think it was possible for me to be more in love with you but then you use the word 'datemate'" Frank said, genuinely, considering how stupid his comment was his sincerity was even sweeter.
"Aww. So sweet my little datemate."
"When you die, I'm putting Frank Iero's datemate on your grave."
"I will kill you."
"You'd be dead."
"MAY DEATH NEVER STOP YOU!" I called, probably too loudly.
Kristen looked uncomfortable so we went at sat down, at the middle bleacher so she could watch Mikey.
"Kristen, Frank and I are football fanatics.."
Frank bared his teeth as I paused
"So if you have any questions we can answer them." I was very very sarcastic. I knew nothing of football.
"I actually read up on football this week, so I could watch Mikey."
The whistle blew, and no.17 ran forward
"Mikey plays an attacking position, he's too skinny to defend." She chuckled softly,
As far as heterosexual couples go, she and Mikey were okay.
"This is great. Romance is blossoming." I said
"Indeed" Frank continued, "Ray and Christa are going out, Gerard and I are the cutest couple ever and know Mikey and Kristen are datemates!"
"Speaking of Mikey and Kristen, what are you?" I asked, not looking at Kristen knowing she might feel uncomfortable.
"Oh, we are dating but I'm not his girlfriend or anything."
"Oh. Would you like to be?"
"I think I would. He is very lovely."
Mikey shoved someone on the field;
"That was lovely."
The poor kid was being led of the field, probably with a blood nose."
"It's the thrill of the game!"
I laughed. This was weird, I was sitting watching football with my boyfriend and my brother's would-be girlfriend.
It was getting darker as halftime approached.
Mikey ran up to us as soon as the whistle blew,
"Hey!" He said
"Hey Mikes. I think your playing well." I said
"We are loosing."
He turned to Kristen,
"You look cold. Be right back."
He ran down to the team's bench and grabbed a jacket before running, he was f*cling fast.
"Here." He put his jacket around Kristen's shoulders.
"Thank y-" Kristen began to say, but the coach called out
Mikey muttered a goodbye and spirited back down.
"Such a gentleman, even if the coach keeps pulling him away from you." I said, I think the term cockblock would be inappropriate.
"He is so nice to me." Kristen said, she really was a softly spoken person.
"I need to step up my game." I took of my jacket and put it around Frank.
"You mean your gay-me." He said, refusing my jacket.
"Your puns complete me."
"Such a gentleman."
He leant into me, and I put my and around his waist. Only subtly, I would want to 3rd wheel Kristen. Any More.
We all watched as it got darker, the dim field lights didn't reach our row.
The whistle blew, Mikey had lost by 1 point.
He ran back up to see us.
"Well done Mikey." Kristen said, standing up.
"Thank you." He said, slipping his hand around her waist.
We all walked down, all couple-like.
Frank and I were hand in hand and Mikey and Kristen had their arms around each other.
We said our goodbyes and Mikey and Kristen walked away.
"Would you like to stay in my dorm tonight Frankie?" I offered, not too suggestively.
We walked up to my dorm, chatting about how we just didn't understand football. Why would someone want to play a rough version of piggy in the middle in the dark and mud?
"Tada!" I said, the door swinging open revealing the messy room.
"Still a messy gallery I see." Frank said waking in.
"I'll clear it. I'm like Mary Poppins."
I gathered all the loose sketches and put them on my desk, with about 30 others. All whist humming 'a spoonful of sugar'.
Frank sat at the edge of my bed, laughing at my antics.
"Tada!" I repeated. The room was noticeably neater, at least for now.
I opened a draw and chucked a shirt at Frank.
"It won't fit but I'm sure you're used to it."
"The sass." Frank said, shaking his head.
He swapped his shirts, messing his hair in the process.
I pulled of my jeans and replaced them with my cleanest pyjama pants: flannel ones with black paint stains on the knees.
Frank sat in his boxers and my grey shirt, and I was just in my pjs.
"Well, aren't you shockingly attractive?" I said, siting next to him
"I wouldn't know. You however would." He playfully poked me in the side.
"You know. With Kristen at the game I didn't really get to kiss you as much as I would have liked."
"Really?" He was such a tease.
"How much would you have liked?"
"So much."
"Like this much..." He leaned in and kissed me, roughly. I gasped and he slid his tongue into my mouth. I followed suit. This kiss was rough but passionate, I really liked where this was going. Frank was being dominant, and I let him, he was so f*cking hot.
He pushed me back onto the bed, straddling me.

AN: This is were Frank and Gerard will have done The Deed....if I felt comfortable writing smut. Which I don't. Sorry if you wanted it but I'm not giving out the D. SOZZAHS BROZZAHS!!!

<the next morning>
Frank's POV

I woke up, my entire body pressed up against a stark naked Gerard.
Last night.
I shifted slightly, not wanting to wake Gerard. He looked so peaceful, like a little princess with tiny teeth.
I shifted again, but this time Gerard stirred.
"Good moaning." He said, then paused, "I meant morning. No I didn't."
I playfully wacked his arm and leant up to kiss him.
He pecked my lips and tried to get up.
"No." I held him down and he didn't bother fighting.
"I love you Gee."
"I love you Frankie."
We just lay there, it was so nice just cuddling up to Gerard. He kissed my forehead, making me blush. We lay together, He was playing with my hair and humming.
Then my stomach rumbled
"Okay there Frank?" Gerard laughed
"Just hungry."
He laughed and escaped my grip, sliding on his discarded boxers, and I did the same. Then he walked over to the draws,
"I normally just get a coffee but I have spare Mac-n-Cheese packs just in case." He pulled out a packet and tore it open with his teeth, before shoving it in a paint-covered microwave.
That's what I liked about Gerard, he was so arty. He didn't just paint, he created and lived in it, like the world was inspiring and he wanted to paint it all, and he certainly had literally painted lots of his room.
"Does your Dean ever check the your room?" I asked, running my fingers along a paint stain on his bedhead.
"Not mine. Only first-year students. I'm in my last year."
The timer on the microwave went off, he pulled out the sachet and pored it into two containers.
He came and sat with me on my bed, handing me a container and a spork. Classy.
"What do you want to do when you leave?"
"I don't know. I just want to sit and draw."
"Yeah. That and I can't afford an apartment at the moment."
"Oh. How do you make money?"
"Selling paintings."
"Online galleries."
"Thought so. You couldn't go outside!"
"I could!"
"Yeah, to a coffee shop!"
"Knew it."
"What about you?"
"I'd like to teach music..."
"You could."
"Do you think?"
"Yeah, Frank walking around with little kids trailing behind him. What a party."
"Yeah. Frank and the Celebration."
"Cell-Ah-bration. Sounds cooler."
"Here we are, eating mac-n-cheese and talking about the future. Odd"
"Pretty Odd, indeed."
We sat, eating our Mac-n-Cheese and talking about everything and anything.

AN- So the deed has been done. Nice.
THANK YOU FOR THE VOTES (and the venom!)

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