Way. More like Why. Why can't I write?

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<Way house>
Frank's POV

"Oh please call me Donna"
She was so lovely, she had similar face to Gee, and Mikey. They were such a close family and I liked that.
"Okay, Donna. Can we come in?" Gerard said.
"Only Frank." I see were Gerard got his sass from.
Nonetheless he gripped my hand tighter and walked inside.
"Thank you, Donna." I said, I was a little shy, which was funny because I was really cocky when I met Gee.
"Alright boys, Donald will be home from work soon. We are having pasta, if that's okay Frank."
"It's fine. Thank you again."
This family was so nice. I assume Donald must be Gerard's dad.
Donna and Donald. That is so f*cking sweet. What a wicked coincidence.
Soon someone was thumping down the stairs:
"Hey Moiki!" Gerard called as his lanky brother appeared.
In a MIKEY FUCKIN WAY t-shirt.
That's brilliant.
"Don't call me Moiki Gerald."
"Or Michael!"
"Then don't call me Gerald."
Mikey huffed and walked away, humming 'That's not my name' before leaning against the counter his mum was working at.
"Hey mama. Looking good."
She looked up from her tomatoes and saw Mikey's shirt.
"Mikey! Go change!"
"But Ma. I want to talk to Frank."
"Fine. But next time I'm dressing you"
"I'll get my button-downs out then."
He turned to me;
"Hello Frankie"
"Hey Mikey. Nice T-Shirt."
"Thanks mate. Gift from the team"
"I should start playing football." Note my sarcasm.
"Wow, Gerard didn't tell me you were so funny."
Gerard was still holding my hand after a little bit of small talk then the front door clicked open;
"Hello Family." Someone called down the hall. Donald?
"Hey Dad!" Mikey called back.
Donald came down to the living room, and with a quick shocked look he came straight over to me, shaking my free hand,
"Hello Frank. I'm Donald Way."
"Hello. It's nice to meet you Mr. Way."
"Oh please call me Donald. Mister Way makes me seem old, I have enough grey hairs for that."
I laughed, as Donald turned to Mikey;
"Mikey. That goddamn shirt. When we have guests!?"
"Just in case Frank struggles with names, Dad."
"Maybe you could get a job. Then you'd get a name tag."
"But then I couldn't spend so much time with you!"
He went to rest his head on his fathers shoulder, faking affection.
He dad pushed him away, chuckling
This entire family was so sassy. I loved the environment they created, they made me feel kind of secure.
"Dinner boys." Donna called, bowls of pasta sat on the table.
"Frankie, your next to me." Gerard sat down and pulled me down with him, then finally let go of my hand.
We all sat down, Gerard's parents across from us and Mikey on the side of the table, nearest to Gerard.
"So Frank. I don't think I know much about you unfortunately." Donna said.
"Oh. I'm 21 and I'm a music major at Iero College...uh."
"Uh Yeah. My Dad is the principal."
"He's a bit strict."
"I have heard, but I'm sure you aren't homophobic."
"Oh no. I hate gay boys. Gerard's always getting on my nerves."
"Never!" Gee said sarcastically, wrapping his arms around me and kissing my cheek. I blushed and giggles like a 14 year old kid.
Silence before Donald spoke up
"Music huh. Play any instruments?"
"Yeah a few. Mainly guitar."
"That's great. Mikey plays bass."
At the mention of his name, Mikey looked up, pasta hanging out of his mouth.
"Wha?" He said.
"Mikey, you got something."
"Oh ya."
He slurped up his pasta, Gerard glared at him:
"Oh my god. You are such a football player."
"Rude. You should be glad I'm a football player."
I just laughed.
"Am I missing something?" Donald asked
"Oh. Frank and Gerard met at the first football game."
"Oh. Frank, do you play?"
Gerard couldn't hold back his laughter, he leant forward and burst out laughing.
"Oh, no. I, I don't do well with sports."
"Perfect for Gerard then."
I laughed shyly.
"So. How long have you been seeing each other?" Donna asked curiously as we ate.
"A few months I think."
"Any nice dates or something?"
"Gerard has taken me out, it's been lovely."
"He can be lovely sometimes can't he?"
"Sometimes." I smirked
"Please. I'm an angel." He said cockily.
"Sure." Mikey said, mouth full.
"Wow Michael. Such lovely table manners"
"I've been working on them for Frank."
"So considerate of my lovely boyfriend."
"Yup. He's nicer to me than you."
"Boys." Donald said, firmly but grinning. I really liked how relaxed the Ways were with each other.
Time ticked by and I was subtlety integrated by the Ways, before I had to go.
"Thank you for having me, Donna and Donald."
"Thank you Frank. It's been lovely meeting you. I hope to see you soon."
Donna hugged me and Donald shook my hand.
"Bye Mikey." I said and he pulled me in for a weird holding-your-hand-and-patting-you-back type of hug that only football players do.
I wasn't cool enough to do those kinds of hugs.
"Come on Frankie." Gerard took my hand lead me out to the front door. I waved and called "goodbye" for the last time.
We sat in his truck and drove off;
"Your parents are so nice!"
"I think they really liked you Frankie."
"That's good." I leaned in and rested on his shoulder
"Mikey is a little sh*t"
"Just like you."
"No. Like you."
"No. Like you."
"Gosh, Frankie. I don't known your vocabulary was so extensive."
"It's also include F*ck You."
"Now Frankie be polite ,"
I giggled, he made me blush, that loser.
"It's also includes I Love You."
"I love you too. Even if you are a loser."
"I love you even if you are an idiot"
"I love you even if you are stupid."
"I love you even if you have terrible insults."
He made me feel very very very happy. Even if he really did have terrible insults.
He dropped me off at my door, kissing me at the step.
I loved kissing him, he always rested his hands around my hips and pulled me close.
We pulled away and he muttered his goodbyes before pecking my lips again and getting back in his car.
"Bye Gee! I love you!"
"I love you Frankie!" He yelled from his car.
He was just brilliant, I waved and headed inside.

AN: I am dead. BUT HOPEFULLY THE STORY IS NOT. Thank you all for everything, x.

Simple Concept . (Frerard Fluff) COMPLETEDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang