The Gaydar went crazy when Frank looked at Gee.

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Frank's POV
What is that sound?
Someone is playing some pop bullsh*t.
Maybe playing is an understatement.
Drilling the sh*t into my skull.
I can't sleep through this.
"What is this music?" Groans Gerard, shifting in his sheets.
"I think we've died and gone to hell." I joked.
"I can't believe the jocks are still partying..." He mumbled, rubbing his eyes "it's just a football game. A college football game."
"Mikey must be a party animal.."
"Oh no, he's still in high school. My mama would kill him if he didn't get home by 12:00."
Oh my, he calls him mother 'mama' that is so cute.
"What would your mother do of you stayed up this late in high school!" He questioned.
"Not much, but my dad would scold me," I puffed up my chest and raised my index finger "The Iero's must keep a good reputation, not one of an obnoxious school boy, remember the tradition Frank."
Gee giggled, his gorgeous hair slipping over his eyes. "Your dad's really hung up on tradition." He said.
"Yep, named me Frank, a traditional Italian name, sent me to the boarding school he went to as a kid and then got me into his school, that each generation go the Iero family has attended then principled."
"Wow. My parents named me Gerard, so that set me up. I was not Gerald, I was set up to be a unique wallflower but yeah. Helped me, being on the outskirts. Helped me come out." Gerard turned and closed his eyes.
That boy...
He can't tell me he's LGBT+ and then sleep,
The gaydar was right!
He's probably gay,
Oh this is great.
But awkward.
I'm gonna leave early tomorrow.
But even with my thoughts all colliding and the music blaring I slept.

<the next morning>
<Iero Household>

Frank's POV:

"I'm home!" I called as I unlocked the door and began to walk down the hall to the living room, as I did I saw my Dad's glum figure, slumped against the arms rest of the couch.
"I can't believe we lost..." He muttered bitterly. I looked around for empty bottles of beer. I've ony, seen my dad this bitter once and it was when his stomach was filled. But I didn't see any...
"It's okay Dad. We've lost a few times, what's so different about this time?"
"We lost to that college."
"What's so special?"
"It's the only other one is the area! It's our rival. We want every one at Iero College so they can learn how to be a proper role model for society! We can't let that artsy college take the privilege of striving for excellence away from youth." I huffed under my breath, I don't think spending all night on the couch after a football game is a particularly good thing to strive for.
"And it has no tradition!" He continued. Fu*king tradition.
"But it's got a really good arts program!" I defended.
"Everyone who goes there is a fu*king pansy! The are all no-good homosexuals who must rot in hell!"
"That school has openly gay students. That's why it rivals us so much. Every homosexual I rightfully reject goes to there!"
"No, Frank. Don't you see. We will play them again and we will thrash them. 3 weeks and I'm going to be pushing the team further then ever, creating a new winning team, one that will keep up with the competition, not that team is much competition. Did you see Way? Didn't look at day over 17."
"Cause he isn't! He's my friend's brother! He's good enough to play for the college team, they don't have a shortage of players but Mikey's better than all of them."
"Friend's brother huh?"
"That stupid red head?"
"He's not stupid. If you just looked at his art you'd see..."
"How gay he is."
"I don't want you to sit back with him, next game. No, you can sit with me on the bleachers."
"Thanks for the offer but no."
"Frank! This rebellious spirit has been brought on by him! You will obey your father, as I did and then you will be the role model to all other students as I was! Is that understood?"
I was furious. But also quite amused, the one thing my dad prided himself on, Tradition and the main thing he hated, homosexuality, was about to be warped by his one (very gay) son.
I'm going to talk to Gerard.
Gerard's POV
I rolled over, expecting to see Frank sleeping but he's gone, and a yellow post it note is on his pillow.
'Thanks for last night Gee. I took a cab home. -Frank (Ph: ***********)'
I took out my phone to put Frank's phone number in and had a shower.
Ducking to around hanging paintings I stripped off and got in the shower. I'm glad the school pays the water and gas bills because otherwise I'd have cold showers everyday and that would be tragic. Like Titanic tragic. I mean they have the same key element, threat of hypothermia.
I'm glad Frank went home, kinda. I mean I probably couldn't pay for a cab or coffee for him and that would mean id have to admit how low on funds I was, and he, being the son of the richest principle in the area, would not have been impressed.
And I really want him to like me.
I did drop a bombshell on him last night.
Bam! GAY!
I do hope he's gay and didn't spend the night worried I'd force myself onto him.
Cause I won't, I'm a bottom.
I'll have to talk to Frank.
I pick up my phone and text him
"Hey Frankie, it's Gee. Just so you've got my number now. xx"
I look at the text and remove the other kiss. Just one. And send.
I turn of the shower and dress, ready for English, ugh.
AN: so yeah, just a filler chapter I suppose but hey I'm having fun with this.

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