Its been a long day but not a long chapter.

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<Gerard's school>
Gerard's POV

"Okay Class. Today is a free lesson. You can choose theory or practical activities."
What person would choose theory over actual art.
They're all dead, and those studying will be dead. The school's text books are THAT boring.
"Hey Gerard."
Who the f*ck was that.
Oh, huge-forehead-drawer.
"Hello. Uh,"
"Sarah. Sarah Orzechowski."
"Wow. That's a mouthful."
"It is. I couldn't say it till I was seven. Way is a breeze in comparison."
"It's the only Way I can speak."
"I might just sit and draw with you, in hope of more bad puns."
"Bad puns? All puns are good puns!"
"Such a positive outlook on life."
"Puns are my life."
Conversation slowed from then, we couldn't just talk like how I could with Frank.
I couldn't talk with anyone like I talked with Frank.
He was just so, frank.
As in he was blunt. I liked that about him.
It was a trait he had inherited, as unfortunate as it may seem from him father; a strong opinion.
Frank was a bit more open-minded however.
Then again, some of the world's worst politics were probably more open-minded than Mr. Iero.
At least he was coping, I really didn't want him to be violent with Frank, or Linda.
Linda was so lovey to me, I want Frank to meet my folks.
Maybe tonight,
I'm gonna risk getting my phone out. Miss already hates me.

I'll just text my mama:

"Hello mama, I have someone I'd like you to meet tonight. Can we come round for dinner, maybe at 7:00"

I'll also text Mikey, makes sure he doesn't bring Kristen home or something

"Oi Mikes, I pm hoping Frank can come home to meet the parentals. Don't bring home a stripper."

I soon got a response

"Great. I'll wear my # FRERARD shirt."

"I hope you meant that ironically."

"Of course."

"Put your phone away, texting in class is shameful."

No response. Good kid.
I should probably ask Frank now;

"Hey Frankie. Do you wanna come round for dinner and meet my parents tonight at 7:00?"

No response. He must be in music or something.
I forget sometimes he's actually productive and takes more than 2 classes.
I don't have the energy. I literally have the stamina of a 70 year old man.
Probably less.

My phone buzzed, with a response from my mother:

"That would be lovely, what's his name?"

"Frank. Frank Iero. He's really really really lovely."

"OK. See you then. LOL."

I could cry. She uses 'LOL' as 'Lots Of Love.'
This makes me want my Dad to fall off a step ladder so she can send us a sad-dad-is-in-hospital-and-on-crutches message with 'LOL' at the end.
I may not be tech-savvy (mainly cause I use that term) but I don't use <3 and LOL and, god forbid... XD
I don't text too badly...
My phone buzzed, a message from "Frankie is the hotter half of Frerard". A contact name chosen by Mikey.
I hate than boy. I hate both boys really.

"YAY FINALLY! Pick me up? x"

"Sure. See you at 6:45."

"Great. I love you,"

"I love you too. x"

I could never get enough of Frank. He looooooo0000OOOOO0000ooooves me!
I love him.
I adore him.
I admire him.
I cherish him.
I am not a poet, and this is a little creepy so I'm gonna stop.

"Someone's going red." Sarah said, from across the table.
"I'd say, your as red as your hair but you seem to have gotten black paint in it."
I looked at my hair, it had trailed in the black paint I was using in my drawing of Frank. Duh.
"Texting your boyfriend?"
"Anything gossip worthy?"
"He's meeting my parents. For the first time."
"Ooh. Exciting!"
"I'm sure it will be fine."
We kept chatting for a bit till the bell rang, and we hung up of paintings side by side. Hers of Big-Forehead-Brendon and mine of Frankie.
Man, that boy is beautiful.

<bigger than Brendon's forehead time lapse to 6:45>
I knocked on Frank's door, the truck (and the smell) behind me.
"Hello Gee!" Frank opened the door and pulled me in for a kiss, of which I was not hesitant to kiss back. This wasn't alien to me, it never really was though.
"You look lovely Frankie." He did, he was wearing jeans that fitted, better. He also had swapped his band tee for a grey one and a denim jacket. He had even brushed his hair.
"Same. I think we've become 'that couple'" he uses red towards our matching denim jackets.
"Oh no! I've got a spare jacket. Being a jacket wh*re is handy."
"Let's go o don't want to be late!"
"Calm down. Frankie, they will love you."
"Cliche pep talk Gee."
"I know."
He closed the door and yelled "BYE!" down the corridor.
One kiss alter we were headed to my place.
I didn't live to far from Frank, only the next suburb.
We pulled into my house, it was nice to be back.
I could head Mikey upstairs, his bass turned up as he played chart after chart. Talented young boy.
"Let's go." I grabbed Frankie's hand and held it tightly as I knocked the door.
"I'm not that nervous." He scoffed sarcastically but he didn't let go of my hand.
The door opened;
"Hey Mama! This is my boyfriend Frank. Frank this is my mother."
"Hello Mrs Way."

AN: I am beyond tired so I'm sorry if this sucked more than Brendon Urie ( who really plays a part in this chapter.)

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