Episode 8: The Jewel of Juulumbra

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When Alexander moved his capital to the West, he left his cousin, Cornelius Cartier, to rule the old provinces of Fergonia. It was a great honor for what many considered a lesser family. Long before the Deloriar dynasty lost their empire, however, the Cartiers broke away to form their own kingdom, betraying Alexander's trust. And, yet, one day, they would also be responsible for his imperial dynasty's rebirth.

—Imperial Exemplar Louis III, of the Imperial Holy Order, "On Alexander and his Legacy." 1657 A.D.

"Are you sure you don't want to come?" Rose asked the satyr. "The City of Goldhill is full of interesting people. Just think of all the friends you could make!"

Padair looked at her through blocky goat's eyes. "It's no fun when they're fenced in. Friends are best made in the wild–" Standing in the middle of the cobbled road, the goat man spread his arms wide, gesturing towards the surrounding trees and bushes "–where they're free to roam anywhere they please, but choose to stay by your side."

"Padair!" Rose begged.

"Stop your name-calling!" the goat man glowered.

"You just want to show him off," Augustus said.

"Stay out of this, Gus!" Tangles of red curls bounced with the sway of Rose's head. "I think our friend would have a great time in Goldhill."

"And I think it would do me some good to get away from you all!" Padair crossed his arms. "You take my name too lightly!"

Rose sighed. "Fine, you stubborn old goat! Stay out here and sleep in a ditch like a proper stray!" The red-haired woman marched back to her wagon, parked away up the road, where two dwarves sat in the driver's seat. "Come on, Gus!"

Gus looked at Padair. "I'll see you on the other side?"

"You almost sound eager to see me again." Padair smiled. "You are a good friend." The goat man turned his eyes on the Moonlit Mysterium–their large red wagon. "I regret making friends with that woman." He shook his horned head. "You know how to summon me if the need arises–just say my name–but, please, don't allow the need to arise!"

Gus waved. "Farewell, friend." And parted ways.

Gus crawled into the back of the awaiting wagon. I hope I never see you again.

Skiggi the dwarf cracked his whip, and the oxen tugged them westward.

"This city is buzzing like a beehive!" Skiggi looked with wide eyes. His braided beard and hair jingled.

The Moonlit Mysterium rocked against neatly lined cobblestones.

Goldhill is the honeypot of the kingdom, Gus mused. His head poked out from the front flaps of the wagon's red cover.

The Western Road led them to a city that rose like an anthill. The massive mound, the city's namesake, overlooked the Western Road and the Golden Valley to the south. Castle Cartier, the home of House Cartier, loomed high and proud. The ancient fortress sat like a crown upon the pinnacle of the hill, with a ring of walls and battlements circling the keep within. Four towers with cone-shaped shingled roofs, at each corner of the keep, peeped over the walls, peering down upon the tightly packed shops and homes of its denizens. Roads within Goldhill carved up and around the mountainous mound, winding through narrow streets and alleys.

Men and dwarves hurried along the streets. Merchants, mercenaries, and people of every kind filled the spaces between tall buildings like water filling a riverbed. Peddlers pushed through the crowds, drawing attention to themselves and their wares. Vendors stood behind stalls, selling food, clothes, and tools.

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