Part 18. The Girlfriend

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Cheryl comes back into the bedroom after an hour or so, I've spent my time finishing an essay on my laptop and certainly not overthinking the text I saw on Cheryl's mobile.

She enters the room looking tired, slightly subdued, understandably.

She lays down next to me on the bed and rests her head on my shoulder. The vanilla scent of her shampoo hits me instantly and I want to be consumed with every scent of Cheryl's body.

"How was it?" I ask as I close my laptop to concentrate on the vulnerable girl before me.

"As expected. He won't last much longer but all he would speak of is business. He handed over all his important folders and made me sign some next of kin documents. Just the cold goodbye I expected of a Blossom." Cheryl keeps her head resting on my shoulder, I wonder if she were to move if I'd see a tear leave her eye.

"That sounds tough, I'm sorry. You have to remember that there's more to you than just your last name." I know she's stuck on her last name being some kind of hindrance in life.

Just because her parents may have led bitter lives, within their piles of old money, doesn't mean anything to Cheryl's personal life. The world would be a boring, predictable place if we all lived the same lives as our parents.

Cheryl sighs and sits upright. She picks up her phone and I assume she reads the text.

"Shall we go out tonight? There's a bar in town, it may be full of everyone I went to high school with but I'm sure you're already in need of a stiff drink." Cheryl knows the offer of a drink is something I'd never turn down.
I suppose she isn't going to tell me about the text she received. Though I'm sure all will become clear very soon.

We get ready and catch a cab to the bar. It's dark outside and the air is thick with suspense as the quick taxi ride comes to a stop outside a dimly lit bar.

Cheryl has been on her phone and acting reserved. She wears a black and red checked top with a high neck, and a black skirt with tights on her lower half.

We enter the bar and it smells slightly like tobacco and the music is heavier than I had assumed it would be. I notice lots of people with leather jackets, they fit this scene perfectly, though I can't quite see Cheryl fitting in.

"Cheryl Blossom. I didn't think we'd see you back here for a while." We both turn around and I see a blonde girl standing before us.

Piercing green eyes and a warm smile, she looks from Cheryl to myself.
Cheryl steps forward and hugs her.

"This is Betty, a good friend of mine from school." Cheryl let's go of the blonde girl and I introduce myself.

Instead of shaking my hand she pulls me in for a hug, of which I embrace.

This clearly isn't the person who texted Cheryl earlier.

Betty catches Cheryl up on some small town gossip as we all stand at the bar.

My eyes are distracted as I watch the people that enter the bar.

A tall boy with red hair and broad shoulders, he's conventionally attractive and I'm sure he was a success amongst everyone at high school.

"I drove past as you were opening the gates to Thistlehouse earlier, I thought it had to be you unless your mother was aging backwards." The boy pulls Cheryl in for a hug and they laugh together.

He holds his hand out for me to shake and I oblige.

"Archie was the captain of the football team. Being captain of the cheer squad, everyone was always rooting for the two red heads to finally hook up. Then Cheryl came out and everything suddenly made sense." Betty sips her drink at the bar, reminiscing over old high school memories.

I nod and appreciate seeing Cheryl happy with real friends of hers. It begs the question of why she spoke so badly of this town.

The revving of motorbike engines is apparent and it turns the heads of a few people in the bar.

The engines stop and Cheryl looks at Betty, then at me.

Four people enter the bar, all of them with helmets under their arms. They approach the bar. Three young men and one girl.

As they get closer I notice the girl has streaks of pink running through her hair. It's the girl from the picture in Cheryl's room.

Up close she's even more attractive, she wears a cropped t-shirt with a black leather jacket over the top and tight black jeans. Her body is slim but curves in the right places.

"You look well." She stands in front of Cheryl and places her helmet down on a table.

"As do you." Cheryl replies with an uncertain voice.

"You didn't tell me you were coming back. But then, I suppose you also didn't tell me you were leaving a year ago." The pink haired girl raises a stern brow and looks pissed.

"I don't want to do this in front of everyone." Cheryl calmly answers, her voice becomes quieter.

The pink haired girl rolls her eyes, then looks me up and down. Her eyes flit from myself, back to Cheryl.

"Toni Topaz." She extends her hand towards me, I shake it and I'm greeted with a harsh, passive aggressive, squeeze from the girl's soft hand.

"Cheryl's girlfriend."
The girl goes on to say with a cold smile.

My facial expression doesn't change, I feel myself only able to blink, then look at Cheryl.

Cheryl's face is bright red and she looks like she'd rather the ground swallow her up right now, than be stood between myself and the pink haired biker.

Before anyone can say another word Cheryl steps towards Toni and grips a hand around the girl's shoulder, pulling her to the end of the bar where they can speak in private.

We can all still see them but no one can hear a word of their conversation.

I turn back around to face the bartender, ordering myself and Betty a shot of tequila.

"I'm going to assume you didn't know about Toni?" Betty's voice is compassionate, I imagine she'd be a great friend and I can imagine how she must have tried her best to soften Cheryl's harsh persona.

"I did not. I knew Cheryl had secrets but that was a bit of a shock. Is there anywhere with a better atmosphere around here? I need to get drunk and this isn't the place for me." I look around and see men throwing darts at an old, worn board.

I think about how much fun I could be having back at the university club.

"You read my mind." The blonde girl smiles at me and we stand up from our bar stalls to leave the venue.

The Boxer And The Blossom (GxG Cheryl Blossom)Where stories live. Discover now