Part 15. The Naked Complexities

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"Are we gonna talk about that then, or pretend it didn't happen, again?" I lay next to Cheryl, she remains unclothed as she sips her whiskey.

"There are so many factors involved. I don't trust you, I think you'd be flirting with Veronica by tomorrow night or taking home the newest flavour of the month. You don't know me, not properly. There's my family, and my ex. Things are complicated. Despite all of that, I can't seem to stay away from you." Cheryl gulps her drink down in just a few mouthfuls, I suppose it washes away the complexity of heavy questions post sex.

"What do you want out of this anyway? You don't seem like someone who needs to discuss the reasons for someone sleeping with you." Cheryl makes a point, I don't believe I've ever asked someone that after sex.

This is different, I don't just want to use Cheryl, I don't just want to sleep with her every time we happen to be in the same bar on a night out. I've never been more intrigued by a girl. I've never been so infatuated with anyone.

"I want to get to know the complications. I want to know all about your family, your ex, and I want to be there for you." I face Cheryl as I lay on the bed, my eyes can't help but gaze at her naked body.

The way she casually lays with one leg bent and the other out straight, her breasts are pert on her chest and her dark pink nipples attract my attention.

"I'd have a lot more respect for you if you just told me you want to fuck me casually." Cheryl doesn't believe me and I have no idea how I can get her to accept that my words are truthful.

"Is that what you want, is it? Casual? No strings attached?" I slide my hand over her toned stomach, my fingers brush lightly over the fine hairs on her abdomen.

I can feel the intakes of every breath she takes, the rise and fall of her stomach. Cheryl places her hand on mine. She rolls over to face away from me, but pulls me closer to her back. I spoon her, with one arm under the pillow and one around her waist, she keeps her fingers entwined with mine against her warm body.

"I don't know." She finally answers, her voice quieter than before. I can sense her eyes are closed.

Although she doesn't answer me on what she wants from this, going to sleep wrapped up in each other is more than I could ask for. I've gone to sleep with plenty of girls like this but when it's the girl you didn't think you would get, when it's the right girl, that changes everything.

As I open my eyes I try to recall even falling asleep. I suppose we must have been tired out. I lay flat on my back, Cheryl lays with her head on my chest and her arm slumped around my body.

I take her heavy breathing as a sign she's still asleep. Placing my forefinger on her spine, I drag it gently around her pale white skin, absentmindedly drawing circles and patterns across her back.

Cheryl raises her head for a moment, with only one eye open, she rests her chin on my chest and I smile at her sleepy looking face.

"You're actually still here in the morning for once." I was hoping she would be.

The last few times I woke up without her, after questionable nights together, had been disheartening; and I had hoped this morning wouldn't be like that.

Cheryl grunts and moves her face into the crook of my neck. She kisses it gently and I feel my mouth begin to form a grin.

"How's your head, and your stitches?" Cheryl lifts her head away from my neck and tries to look at my face, she decides to straddle me to take a proper inspection.

"Fuck." The word slips from my lips.

"What's wrong? Did I hurt you?" Cheryl quickly takes her hand away from my face which had been touching the slightly grazed skin around my stitches.

"Oh, no, that was just my reaction to having you on my lap naked. I think you need to come way closer to look at my injury." I slide my hands up the thighs of the gorgeous red head before me and she rolls her eyes.

She pushes her hair out of her way and comes closer to my face. Cheryl places her lips gently against mine. I kiss her. Sitting up, so my body is now parallel to hers, I grab her ass with both hands and Cheryl holds onto my neck.

"Stop getting distracted, tell me if you're concussed and dying?" Cheryl pulls away from my mouth but continues looking down at my mouth with her dreamy, sparkling eyes.

Her legs are wrapped around my body, my mind goes wild with the things I could do to her.

"Blossom, you're naked and wrapped around my body. How could that not distract me?" I dryly respond.

I'm met with a head shake and a smirk. The discreet dimples on her cheeks are irresistible. She kisses me again.

"Why did you hate me so much that night we met?" It's something that I've thought about a handful of times.

She was so cold and I never knew why.

"Well other than opening the door onto my face, I knew you were going to be bad news. I took one look at you in the boxing ring and I knew I'd want you, but couldn't have you." Cheryl tells me in a more serious, matter-of-fact tone of voice.

"When did that change then?" I ask her whilst my face is perfectly in line with her breasts, my eyes try their hardest to stay focused on her face.

"Who said it ever changed?" Cheryl keeps her straight face, I can't read her at all.

We may be physically close, but the barrier she has up for her emotions, thoughts and feelings; that feels like a stone cold wall covered in barbed wire, with a high-tech security system.

"Could I make you happy?" I didn't intend for our morning to be full of heavy questions but I've never been one to think with my head.

I watch Cheryl soften before me. A look comes over her face which I've never seen before. She releases a sigh. A sigh of sympathy? A sigh of contemplating the thought of being happy with me? A sigh of why did this great sex turn into something so far from casual?

I'm clueless, for once.

"People like me don't get to be happy." Such a brash statement from the red head, that my only reaction is to turn my head a few degrees and look up at her.

As if looking at her from a different angle may aid me in working her out.

Cheryl's phone begins to ring. She leans over to grab an oversized t-shirt she can throw on.

When she sees the caller ID she hesitates for a moment, her face becoming even more pale than usual.

She picks up the phone and leaves my bedroom, before answering it.

The Boxer And The Blossom (GxG Cheryl Blossom)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant