Part 11. The Recovey

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As my eyes open, the sterile white lights offend my sensitive pupils.

My face feels sore and my body feels weak. I lay in a hospital bed.
The shutters on the windows that peer onto the hallway are ajar, I can see doctors in white coats busily making their way to patients.

There's a drip in my arm and I'm hooked up to a couple of monitors, it hurts to move my head.

Ronnie enters the room holding a coffee cup, her face lights up as she takes a seat next to my bed.

"Well this is embarrassing." I say without realising how hoarse my voice would sound.

"How did I know you'd say that. I've been worried about you all night. The way you fell and hit your head, it was brutal, you've been in and out of consciousness all night." She explains and I start to nod but my stiff neck doesn't agree with the notion.

"I know it's a silly question but how are you feeling?" Ronnie asks as she sips her steaming coffee.

"Like shit." I respond and Ronnie nods.

"I better ring your coach, he only went home an hour ago but told me to call when you woke up. I'll get a doctor in here to speak to you." Veronica smiles at me and pulls out her phone to call my coach, she leaves the room in search for a doctor.

I close my eyes again and sigh. The door opens and I presume Ronnie has forgotten something.

Cheryl stands at the door.
Wearing the dress I had seen her in just seconds before my knockout.

"You're awake, finally." She makes her way to the chair that Ronnie had just been seated in.

"Have you been here all night?" I ask the red head.

She nods and I notice her eyes look tired, in last night's make up, she still looks incredible, but I can see she's in need of a proper sleep.

"When I walked into the boxing club I saw you covered in your own blood already, both sides of your face are busted. Then that final punch knocked you out and when you hit the floor the room just went silent. I thought you were fucking dead." Cheryl puts her face down into her hands and takes a deep breath, shaking her head.

"I'm fine. I feel fine. Everything is.. fine." I try to sound convincing but my vocabulary struggles to assist.

"Veronica got in the ambulance with you, so I got a taxi straight here instead. They've done scans and tests and put you under all sorts of machines. If you fell just slightly differently you could be dead. They seem to think there's no lasting damage to your brain." Cheryl explains to me, unable to look me in the eye.

"But I didn't fall different, and I'm awake, and I'm talking to you right now, and everything is okay."  I explain to the worried girl at my bedside.

The doctor enters my room.
She explains things in more depth than Cheryl did, she tells me about the scans and tests they ran.

After looking in my eyes, getting me to move different parts of my body, testing my memory and general knowledge of the day and month, the doctor is content that I am okay. She tells me that they recommend I go easy on the boxing, more sparring than big fights.

She explains the severity of head injuries and how boxers can be left incapacitated from one wrong punch. I insist on going home as hospitals aren't a place I enjoy spending my time. The doctor gives in and discharges me, telling me a nurse will be in to remove the drip from my arm and assist me with leaving the hospital.

"Miss Blossom has barely left your side all night, you're very lucky to have her." The doctor smiles and closes the door upon her exit.

"Thanks Blossom. Sorry I worried you." I hold my hand out and Cheryl slips her hand into it.

"You're not forgiven. For any of it." She rolls her eyes before finally looking at me properly.

I'm discharged within the hour and told to come straight back if anything changes.

"Have you got someone that can stay with you, to keep an eye out for any new symptoms or issues that may develop?" The nurse assists me to the main doors of the hospital, Ronnie and Cheryl a few paces behind us.

"I'm sure we can manage that between us?" Ronnie looks at Cheryl who nods and looks back at me with an unreadable face.

It's odd seeing them both together, Veronica and Cheryl. I don't believe either of them are a huge fan of the other one, especially after what happened at the party.

When we arrive at my dorm Ronnie is the first inside, she goes to my room and makes my bed comfortable, placing lots of pillows against my headboard for me to comfortably sit upright. Cheryl walks behind me and closes my front door after we enter. She places a hand on my torso to steady me.

I get straight into bed and it feels good to be at home instead of the antibacterial smelling hospital.
Cheryl stands awkwardly by my bed.

"Come and lay down with me, you must be exhausted." I put my hand down on the bed, her side. Of which I had been so sure she wouldn't lay on ever again.

Cheryl removes her heeled boots and makes her way onto the bed next to me.
Her long, silky red hair brushes against my pillow. As soon as she makes herself comfortable, Cheryl closes her eyes and within a few seconds her breathing is slowed. She falls asleep.

I find myself in need of a nap also and after a few minutes of trying to resist the urge, my eyes are closed.

I'm woken up by the sound of a closing door. Cheryl is standing by my closet, her hair is wet and she apologises for waking me.

"I hope you don't mind, I had to find something to wear from your closet." Cheryl wears an oversized t shirt that looks even bigger on her small frame, and her legs are bare and my eyes are stuck to her thighs.

"One good thing about your closet, comfy boxers." Cheryl pulls up the long t shirt to reveal black Ralph Lauren boxers, of which she has pulled up high.

"I like it. I didn't know you could do casual, Blossom." I smile and check the time on my phone, I must have napped for hours.

"Veronica can't stay the night, she's at some kind of society event, but she said to call if you need her. I'm happy to stay on the sofa." Cheryl folds her dress from last night and places it on the side next to her boots.

"You just slept next to me for hours, I think I can let you back in my bed for the night. Would you be able to help me up so I can have a shower and feel slightly more human?" I try to move my neck but it's still stiff, the painkillers have worn off and the pain all around my head is more present.

Cheryl nods, she puts her arm around me and slowly eases me up, I hold onto her to steady myself until I get to the bathroom.

The Boxer And The Blossom (GxG Cheryl Blossom)Where stories live. Discover now