Part 8. The Party

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Ronnie wants to dance and I can't argue with her as it will get me closer to the very thing distracting every thought in my brain.

My hands slip around Veronica's waist and she can't see that I'm staring at Cheryl.

She's with 2 friends that I recognise, they dance next to her. The blonde girl from earlier, who told me how hot the girl she was hooking up with was, she is the one who holds Cheryl's hips, pulling them closer to her every time I look.

Cheryl's arms are around her neck, they laugh and Cheryl catches my eye again.

She wears a black dress, the neck line in low, she wears no bra and I can see the outline of her nipples from here. The dress is short and my eyes hover over her thighs. She wears high heeled black boots. Her hair is curled and holds a lot of volume, her eyes close every now and then as she dances. It just makes me think about having her pinned down underneath me.

Ronnie tells me she's going to the bar to get us some drinks and I notice the blonde haired girl walking away from Cheryl at the same time.

Cheryl walks a few steps out of her way and stands before me.

"Have you missed me so much the last few nights you've resorted to stalking me?" She's at my eyeline as she wears such high heels, a strand of hair falls in front of her face and I resist the urge to push it aside myself.

"Where have you been staying?" I ask, my plan of pretending that I don't care doesn't work.

"Why would you care?" Cheryl's pupils are big and she smells of wine.

I roll my eyes and shake my head at her. An old song comes on and the girls around me become excited, one ends up pushing me forwards ever so slightly and I find myself in even closer proximity to Cheryl.

She places a hand on my arm.

"You could at least dance with me." She leans in and tells me.

I slip my hands around her hips, my hands brush over the silky black material of her tight, short dress.

Her hands hold onto the nape of my neck, her thumbs slowly brush up and down, sending a shiver down my spine.

As Cheryl moves in time to the music her bust bounces up and down, I try hard to keep my eyes on her face though I can't help but look down at her chest for a moment. Cheryl raises an eyebrow at me and I innocently shrug.

Instinctively I pull her closer, I feel her breasts against mine and her hard athletic stomach is almost against my body.

Her eyes are breathtaking, making me melt as soon as they stare into mine. Cheryl's flawless face is just an inch away. She rests her forehead against mine. Our mouths are barely an inch apart.

"I'm not having sex with you again." Cheryl says.

"I don't care, just come back to mine." I feel hypnotised by her eyes and having her body in my hands, moving slowly.

"Haven't you had Veronica in your bed every night?" Cheryl asks me without missing a beat.

"No. I've been expecting you to turn up at any point." I explain.

"That's the only reason you've not brought her back then?" Cheryl smirks as if she's sussed me out.

"No. Have you been sleeping with the blonde girl?" I can't help but question.

"The blonde girl? She told me you slept with her in first year, you don't even remember her name. Oh my gosh, you're such a guy." She laughs but breaks contact, looking actually slightly disappointed.

"You didn't answer my question." I move my hands up her waist and feel Cheryl take a sharp breath in.

"Don't do that." She says on her intake of breath.

"Do what?" I move my hands up another inch, my fingertips brushing so gently along her ribcage.

I watch Cheryl clench her jaw and look me in the eye as she digs her sharp nails into the back of my neck. It makes me flinch but I like the pain, and I think she knows that.

"I was going to say did you miss me, but evidently not." Veronica appears to my right, holding two shots of something clear and probably lethal.

Behind her is the blonde girl.

"Don't let me get in the way." Cheryl's eyes flicker from myself to Veronica, as she steps back.

I drink one of the shots Ronnie holds and she does the same, but with a pained expression as the liquor burns down her throat.

"I know they say three's a crowd but that must mean four's a party, right?" The blonde girl throws an arm around Cheryl and the other around Veronica.

Ronnie looks intrigued and Cheryl runs her tongue over her perfectly white teeth. She catches me watching, as if that wasn't for me to enjoy.

The girl shows us something on her phone, a video someone has sent her of a house party. We agree in unison and an Uber is ordered. After 5 minutes we are in the back of the taxi.

I sit in the back seat between Ronnie and Cheryl. I feel so aware of my surroundings, I feel every movement either one of them makes.

After 10 minutes we arrive outside one of the houses used for university students only, they're huge and I can only imagine how loud it must be to live there on a normal night, but with this party at its peak I can almost feel the ground vibrating from the sheer volume of the music.

Unsurprisingly we recognise people as soon as we enter, all four of us going to different people to grab a beer and have some conversations.

Some time passes and I realise just how quickly I'm drinking as I make my way to the kitchen to get another drink, I notice Cheryl without a drink in her hand so I pick up a bottle for her.

"Blossom." I hold out the bottle of beer and Cheryl turns to me, she looks me up and down, her face full of judgment as usual.
She takes the beer.

"Trying to get me drunk?" Cheryl asks as she takes a big swig of the pale beer.

"Never. I had to look after you all night the last time that happened." I give a small laugh.

"My turn to look after you next then I guess?" Cheryl places her beer on the kitchen countertop that I lean against.

"I get the feeling if I was relying on you to look after me, I'd be left on the floor of some club until I got chucked out by security." I shrug, half jokingly, I don't exactly know if Cheryl would be the best in that situation, but I suppose I have no idea.

Cheryl acts fake shocked, her mouth open and eyes wide. She pushes me, but her hand stays against my torso. I place a hand on top of hers and pull her closer.

Cheryl stands between my legs as I lean against the counter, her eyes level with mine and her mouth turned up; smiling.
I place my arms around the back of her neck. This feels so intimate.

"Do you have any idea how incredible you are?" The words just leave my mouth without warning.

Cheryl's smile stays upon her face and she looks away for a moment, I thought she'd be able to take compliments well.

"Do you spin that line every night?" She asks, holding tightly onto my waist as she leans into me more.

"I've never said that to anyone before. I can't stop thinking about you, it's infuriating." My fingers run down the back of her neck, making her shiver.

"I just know you're not good for me." Cheryl says quietly, as her red pillowy lips moves closer to mine. I can't bear the anticipation for a minute longer.

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