Part 9. The Mistake

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I pull her face towards mine and hungrily kiss her.

Cheryl discreetly moans into my mouth. We're both aware there are other people in the kitchen as well but they're too drunk to notice us.

I pull away for a moment to be able to look at her. Her deep brown eyes are glazed over in ecstasy and her lipstick is slightly smudged over her parted lips that are desperate to be back against mine.

"Don't go home with anyone else." I tell her, my hand now holds the nape of her neck with a firm grip.

"Don't tell me what to do." Cheryl pushes her thigh up between my legs, forcing a groan from my mouth.

I ignore Cheryl's brazen comment and pull her back to my lips. Her warm tongue slips into my mouth and she continues to tease me with her thigh.

"I wish you could feel how wet I am." Cheryl turns my face to one side and whispers in my ear, her teeth bite down upon my earlobe.

It drives me crazy.

I feel someone's presence behind Cheryl, I look past her and see the blonde girl from earlier. Cheryl turns her head but stays in my immediate vicinity.

"Oh. Um.. I was coming to get you because Veronica's a mess and she's asking for you." The girl looks at us, the fact Cheryl stands between my legs and her lipstick is now on my mouth, it's quite the give away.

"I better check on her." I nod at the girl who cracks open a beer at the kitchen island.
Cheryl brings her thumb to my mouth, she wipes her lipstick from around my lips.

"I'll be back in a minute." I tell Cheryl who silently nods and drinks her beer she'd clearly forgotten about.

A line of drunk people stand by the toilet door, I can only presume it's Veronica that holds them up.

I knock on the door and call her name. The door opens slightly and it is Veronica, her eyes squint at me as if she's struggling to see. I step inside and she pushes the door shut behind me.

"What's up? You're in the toilet alone?" I pretend to look around for someone else in the bathroom that she could be hooking up with.
Ronnie holds onto the sink to steady herself.

"I think we should be together." Ronnie speaks slowly and each word almost falls into the next with her slurred speech.

"Ronnie you're drunk, we're best friends we don't wanna lose that, right?" I put a steadying hand on her shoulder and try not to say the wrong thing.

"If we're best friends then why wouldn't we see if we can be together?" Ronnie looks pissed off, I can understand, being drunk, we all want our own way and we want it handed to us instantly.

"Why don't we talk about this tomorrow, when we're both sober, yeah?" I show her I'm listening but this certainly isn't a conversation for right now.

Ronnie steps forward and throws her arms around me. She smells like whiskey with a hint of tobacco. I hug her, feeling like I'm practically holding her upright at this point.

Ronnie holds her head up, dangerously close to my face, I step back but she steps forward with me.

"Ronnie come on let's go." I don't let go of her in fear of her falling over but I don't want her to get the wrong impression.

She leans forward and clumsily pushes her mouth against mine. Ronnie kisses me, I kiss her back for just a moment.

The door flies open, making both of us jump as it bounces back against the wall. Cheryl stands in the door frame and I instantly take another step away from Veronica.

Cheryl doesn't even entertain me with an insult or a curse word, she just looks at me for a few seconds before turning around and walking away.

I run out after her, so many people are in my way. I see a girl who lives in the dorm next to Veronica. Quickly I stop and ask if she'd be able to look after Ronnie and share a taxi back with her. She's kind and clearly sees the desperation in my eyes, she heads into the bathroom and takes care of Ronnie.

Running down the stairs, I make my way out of the house. Cheryl is walking down the driveway, a taxi sits waiting, presumably for her.

"Wait. Please." I shout towards the back of her head, all I can see is her long red hair and the white of her legs that briskly make their way down the pathway.

She doesn't even turn around. Cheryl gets into the taxi and it drives off into the darkness.

I curse to myself and kick the closest thing to me, which is the concrete step leading into the house, the pain runs through my foot but it's exactly what I need right now.

Instead of calling myself a taxi, I choose to walk the 45 minutes back to my dorm. The night air has always been of help to me when I've needed to have a serious think about everything.

It's cold but again, feeling something other than the emotions that run throughout my system right now, it's needed. I reflect and I sober up.
My mind turns to my next fight happening in a few days time, I'm usually so focused and ready but my brain has been so preoccupied recently.
The walk goes faster than I thought it would.

Entering my dorm and walking down the hallway I'm prepared for another night spent alone.

As I walk into my bedroom I see red hair situated against the pillow, the covers are pulled all the way up to her neck, she looks cosy. I brush my teeth quietly and get ready for bed. When I get under the covers Cheryl's eyes begin to open.

"I'm glad you came back here, even though I'm sure there's a hundred other beds you could be in right now." I lay facing Cheryl, I want nothing more than to pull her in close to me and hold her.

As she opens her eyes more I notice they are slightly red along her eyeline. It looks as if she's been crying.

"I'm leaving in the morning." Cheryl says in her cold tone of voice, the one I thought I'd managed to soften.

"I don't want you to go." I manage to say without my voice breaking, I place my hand on her hand under the covers.

"You're freezing oh my god." Cheryl flinches at my touch but holds onto my hand. She's warm and her skin is so soft and inviting.

After a moment her eyes begin to close again. I watch as she falls back into a deep sleep, still holding onto my hand. I try to clear my mind of any thoughts or questions of the future. I enjoy laying next with her.
After some time, I fall asleep.
In the morning I wake up to an empty bed. Cheryl's belongings no longer occupy my room.
No tight red dresses, no lacy red lingerie, no red hair against my pillow.

The Boxer And The Blossom (GxG Cheryl Blossom)Where stories live. Discover now