Part 7. The Bitch

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The sun shines through my window, I clearly forgot to close my blinds last night, the sun hitting my face is unwelcome at such an early hour.

Red hair brushes against my face, I try to move so softly as I turn my head to view the scene at hand.

We're both without any clothes, we must have fallen asleep quickly. One of my arms is between Cheryl's neck and her pillow, and the other is wrapped around her bare waist.

Cheryl starts to stir. She stretches her body and it brushes against mine, her arse pushes into my groin and my right hand grips her hip, holding her against myself.

"Morning." Cheryl stays in that position, only turning her head to meet my eye.

"Hi." For some reason the only word that leaves my mouth.

She looks too good. Her naked body stretched out in front of me, her eyes looking into mine.
I didn't know just how badly I needed this. My hand slowly moves north of her waist, I cup her breast in my hand and use my fore finger to circle her nipple.

Gently pinching it between my fingers, feeling it harden at my touch, purely for my own entertainment.

Cheryl turns her body to face me.

"Did you forget to put up the pillow barrier between us last night?" I sarcastically ask and receive an eye roll in return.

"I just had to test out a theory." Cheryl's eyes are sensual, it always looks like they're ever so slightly sparkling, looking into mine I can't help but hang off every word.

"Oh no, what was the theory?" I question.

"That you're terrible in bed." She attempts to keep a straight face but her mouth turns up on one side and the focus of her eyes drops down to my mouth.

I bring my hand to Cheryl's face and pull it toward mine, her lips part and I kiss her.

She slips her leg over mine and half of her body now rests on me while she kisses me passionately. Feeling her bare skin against me while she kisses me is enough to get breathless too quickly.

I can feel myself getting hungry for more. My phone buzzes next to the bed. I ignore it but Cheryl pulls her mouth away from mine.

"You should check it. You left Veronica in the bar last night." I hesitate at her words but she's right.

I grab my phone and my eyes adjust to the screen, 7 missed calls from her last night.

I click on her name and my phone pulls up our text thread. Two recent texts from Ronnie read,

"Are you coming back?"

"Has the ice queen grounded you?"

I attempt to lock my phone and remove it from Cheryl's eye line but I'm too late, she quickly hops up and takes the phone from my hand.

"Fair enough she might think I'm some 'ice queen' but you text her a couple days ago calling me a cold bitch? Seriously? I opened up to you about my ex, I cried in front of you. Fuck, I slept with you last night. I knew you were just a waste of time." Cheryl drops the phone on my bed and I cover my head with my hands, questioning to myself how this morning could turn from great to terrible in a matter of a minute.

She gets up and slams the bathroom door behind her. I hear the shower run. After 10 minutes, Cheryl leaves the bathroom with minimal make up on her face, wearing a casual t shirt and jeans.

She doesn't even look in my direction before leaving the dorm and again, slamming that door also.

My day is spent trying to distract myself from this morning's events.
Treating myself to a coffee and croissant out at a local cafe, I bring my laptop with me and do some work for my course. It's a welcome distraction to my busy brain.

Having not checked my phone for the past 2 hours a thought jumps into my head, Veronica.

Fuck I forgot to reply.

I write out a text explaining I walked Cheryl home then ended up just passing out, I apologise for leaving her at the bar and tell her I hope she had a good night nonetheless.

5 minutes barely passes before my phone chimes again, Ronnie forgives me and tells me she had a late one with the boys from our mutual class, she's hungover and tells me we can catch up soon. That's one problem dealt with.

I head back to my place, part of me hoping to see Cheryl and part of me hoping for more alone time. She's not there. I get into bed and hope I'll be woken up at some point, feeling Cheryl getting into my bed.

I'm not.

I wake up at 9am, reaching my hand out to the other side of the bed, it's cold. Nobody has slept on that side all night. I lay looking at my ceiling for a few minutes, wondering where she was, where did she spend her night, what did she do with her evening?

3 nights pass without Cheryl.
Every evening after my classes I go to the gym. My knuckles are cracked and bleeding from the sparring I've been doing in the gym in practice for my next fight.
I hit the punching bag and jump rope until I'm dizzy and ready to fall into bed and forget everything else.

The following night, after my boxing session, I walk over to the student bar.

My hair still wet from the shower I just took in the gym. I throw my training bag down at the bar and order myself a strong beverage. Having not had a drink since the weekend, it hits hard, it's exactly what I need.

"Hello stranger, I was beginning to think you'd been avoiding me." I look my right and I'm greeted with a very seductive looking Veronica Lodge.

"As if I'd ever avoid you." The charm is instantly turned on and I'm looking her up and down without even meaning to.

Ronnie rolls her eyes but her mouth forms a smile. "I've been thinking about you." The dark haired girl tells me as she slides herself onto the bar stall next to mine.

"Oh really? What exactly have you been thinking?" I turn my body to face her as I sip at my drink.

"My mind can't stop replaying that night. I want to give you what you gave me. I want to taste you." Ronnie looks at me with hungry eyes, her face is flushed and her hands are slowly sliding down her own thighs.

My eyes can't help but focus on her body, her tights are teasing my brain, I want to rip them off and show her who's in charge.
Cheryl's face flashes into my imagination for a moment.
I can't work out if I'm just in need of a good looking girl to fuck me or there's something more specific I want.
Another sip of my drink washes away any thoughts that are too complicated.
Ronnie and myself continue to flirt over a couple more drinks.

She convinces me to go to the gay club that we usually laugh about, though it's the only local gay club it's usually so empty, she tells me there's an event on tonight and it'll be a fun time. I'm too tipsy to argue it and I follow her to the infamous club.

It's surprisingly busy inside and a few girls from the boxing gym are there, I get a few drinks bought for me before I can properly look around.

A girl I hooked up with in my first year walks past, she puts her arm around Veronica. The music is loud so I can't hear their conversation but they laugh and Ronnie nods to her.

"You and Ronnie have been a sure thing for years, I can't believe it took you this long to make it happen. The girl I'm on tonight is insane, she's so hot it's ridiculous." The tall blonde girl holds the nape of my neck and I laugh with her and wish her luck with her night.

"Why is everyone so sure we'd always end up sleeping together?" Ronnie leans in and cups my ear as she asks me with a grin upon her face.

"I suppose they were all wondering how you'd resist me for all this time." I confidently say as I turn my head so slightly, her face is less than an inch from mine and she shakes her head but her eyes focus on my mouth.

She kisses my mouth gently, so gently it almost teases me, she knows I'll want more after that.

When she pulls away I put my drink to my lips and look around the room of women dancing and having fun.

Red hair catches my eye and a feeling in my stomach arises. My jaw clenches. Who is she with?
Her eyes lock with mine and a satisfied smile appears on her face.

The Boxer And The Blossom (GxG Cheryl Blossom)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant