Part 6. The Fuck

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Sitting at the bar on my own I nurse a short, wide glass of something strong and brown.

I scroll through my phone and reply to some texts about my next boxing match. Veronica hasn't messaged me today.
I consider shooting her over a text but I'm not sure what the right thing to do is.

Some boys I used to train with enter the bar and join me for a drink. An hour passes and it gets busier. Students will drink every night of the week.

"Do you seriously spend every evening here?" Cheryl appears to my left and hops up on the stall next to me.

"Where's your girlfriend?" She asks as she orders herself a tall drink, her inviting lips placed around the straw.

"I certainly don't have one of those. If you mean Ronnie, I don't know where she is. But she's definitely not my girlfriend." I assure her.

"What a surprise. Terrified of commitment, right?" Cheryl laughs to herself and shakes her head.

"Not at all. I've been in love and I've been hurt. I'm not what you think I am. If I was with the right girl I'd do anything for her. I want a normal life, going on vacations, getting married, treating my person like a princess. Dating around isn't what it's cracked up to be."
I reply, level-headed, with my eyes stuck on the bottle of Jack Daniel's behind the bar.

Cheryl sits silently beside me, I wonder what she thinks of my truthful answer, if she even believed it. Her manicured nails tap against the wooden bar, they're short, but long enough to make a soft clicking noise.

"Any chance for a chat outside?"
The sound of Veronica's voice appears and throws me off guard. She stands between mine and Cheryl's high bar stalls, she wears a short black skirt and a white roll neck long sleeve top.

I nod and follow Ronnie out so we can speak in private.

"So how are you feeling about last night, honestly?" Ronnie smiles when she adds 'honestly', she knows that I hate awkward conversations and I just want everything to be well in the world.

"It was a lot of fun. I'd be happy for it to occur again." I grin at her perfectly symmetrical face.

Veronica looks at my mouth.
Last night was interesting after all, I know most of the city would kill for a night with Ronnie. She's desirable in more ways than one.

We get on so well but she's also tall, dark and gorgeous. And she makes me feel wanted, which is more than I can say for my new roomie.

"I'm glad you agree. I woke up wishing I was in your bed." Ronnie takes a step closer to me and I watch her eyes focus on my mouth.

"I'm sure that can be arranged." I smugly tell her what she wants to hear, though I have no plans to lose the redhead my bed has recently acquired.

We go back into the bar and rejoin Cheryl. I buy them both a drink and attempt to make them speak to each other, unsuccessfully.

When Ronnie speaks to me she's more tactile than ever. Every sentence ends with her hand on my thigh, or the nape of my neck. I wouldn't say it makes me uncomfortable but the way Cheryl's eyes follow it every time, I'm aware and I'm desperate to hear her train of thought.

When I come back from the bathroom I find Cheryl stone-faced with an empty glass, and Veronica much happier looking, an almost smug look across her face for a reason unknown to myself.

"Can you walk me back to the dorm?" Cheryl asks me bluntly.

"It's only a minute away, it's not that late out." I question, as Cheryl often goes everywhere alone.

The Boxer And The Blossom (GxG Cheryl Blossom)Where stories live. Discover now