Part 5. The Tease

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The next morning I wake up to an empty bed.

After last night's events I went straight to sleep, I knew there was no point in attempting to converse with Cheryl.

She was pissed. I guess having to hear that while you're trying to sleep isn't exactly ideal. I thought it was best to let her cool off and speak to her when I see her next.

I spend the morning tidying my dorm, my life is starting to look slightly messy so the best way I can take some kind of control over that is by giving my place a deep clean.

I pick up the large rucksack Cheryl's been living out of, although some of her outfits are hung up on my clothes rail. Red lace catches my eye.
I run it between my fingers and imagine Cheryl in nothing but the expensive looking lingerie.

My door opens and I hear the click of her heels down my hallway. I drop her bag and stand by my bed trying to look casual.

Cheryl walks in the bedroom, her eyes are red and her face is wet with tears. When she sees me she rolls her eyes and turns back around to leave.

"Wait." I briskly make my way around the bed and walk over to her.

"I'll go, you can have the place to yourself." I presume that's what she wanted.

Cheryl walks back into my room and throws her phone on the bed. I hover by the door.

"I know you don't think much of me but I promise I'm a great listener, if you wanted to talk about anything?" I hold onto the doorframe with one hand, my other in my back pocket.

"My ex is a head fuck. She tells me she wants nothing to do with me and we're done, then she calls me and tells me she still loves me. I can't keep going back and forth; it's draining." Cheryl carefully wipes a tear from her eyeline, being sure to not smudge her perfectly applied makeup.

"That's tough, I've been in that place it's hard to see light at the end of a confusing tunnel. Do you want to be with her, do you want to try and make it work?" Although my mind is lingering on the red lace I had just been touching, my sensible side takes over and empathises with the gorgeous redhead standing before me.

"We tried so many times, she cheated on me more times than I can even say without feeling completely embarrassed." Cheryl closes her eyes momentarily as if reliving the unhealthy relationship.

I step forward and place my hands on both of Cheryl's shoulders, she wears a red leather jacket, it's cool to the touch under my hands.
Looking at her face I can't tell if pulling her in for a hug is the last thing she wants right now, but I do it anyway as it's the best I can offer. Cheryl accepts.

Her chin rests in the crook of my neck, her arms wrap around my waist. I've not been this close to her before, her hair smells of vanilla and her perfume is strong with sandalwood, I close my eyes as I breathe her in.

"It sounds like you've had a shitty time, but everything happens for a reason. Things always end up working out, you could have anyone you want and whoever ends up with you will be incredibly lucky." I pull my face away so I can look at Cheryl, I take my hand and wipe a single tear from her cheek.

She watches me do this, keeping her arms around my waist. Our faces are so close I can feel every breath she takes.

"I'm a complete bitch to you, what makes you think someone would be lucky to have me?" She raises an eyebrow and and I can't help but smile.

"Because at least they'd get to look at you every day." I reply with a wink and watch Cheryl's mouth drop open in shock, though she smiles with her eyes.

She let's go of my waist and places two hands on my chest and pushes me. I stumble backwards and land against my bedroom door. My instincts are fast, I grab Cheryl's hips before she can walk away from me.

My grip is firm and I hear a surprised noise from her mouth as she finds herself inches from my face again.
Cheryl tries to hide the smile forming between her lips. I feel her hands slip their way around my belt, my mind imagines her undoing it but I try to shake that vision away.

"Do you like getting to look at me everyday?" Cheryl asks, her eyes are dark and I'm drawn in.

I nod silently. She smiles.

"Do you want me more than Veronica?" Cheryl whispers, getting closer to my face. Her lipgloss looks wet and inviting.

"You have no idea what I'd do to you." I feel my breathing getting heavier as Cheryl's hands slip up my body and around the back of my neck.
She pushes her body against mine, I find my hands working their way from the hem of her top up her bare back. Cheryl's big eyes look up at mine, then down to my mouth.

"You're a complete fuck boy." Her cold tone is back. Cheryl let's go of me and steps away, laughing like I've never seen her do before. I'm speechless, blinking a few times to make sure this wasn't some strange dream.

She hops on the bed and begins scrolling through her phone.

"Well you did make me feel better, so, thanks." Cheryl laughs again, without taking her eyes from her phone.

I grab my keys and leave, confused, and horny, as to why that just happened. I've never been in that position and had a girl end up laughing and then not end up moaning my name.

I think my pride is slightly hurt but then again, is this all part of a long game she's playing.

I need a drink.

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