Part 1. The Bet

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"Two fights tonight, you've got this."

My good friend Veronica holds my shoulders and looks me in the eye. I nod and take in a few sips of water.

It's been a year since I joined the college boxing club, tonight's event has been spoken about for months. People who aren't even interested in boxing are here tonight, I suppose just to see some blood.

I do some last minute stretches before Veronica throws my hood over my head and pushes me towards the ring. I get in and play up to the audience, they're here for a show so I'll give them a show.

My first opponent is a similar build to me, same weight give or take, at least it'll be a fair fight. That's what she can tell herself when she loses. The bell rings and the adrenaline is rushing through my body. I can hear my friends cheering ringside and I easily dodge my opponents first throw.

A few rounds of quick stepping, some minor punches thrown, I feel ready to show everyone my real skills. Round 5 and the first punch I throw I knock her to the floor. The crowd is loving it. The referee begins to count, the girl on the floor spits some blood from her mouth, she's still on the floor by the time he hits 10 seconds. The referee takes my hand, raises it in the air and I watch my friends going crazy for me. It's a great feeling, but the night isn't over yet. One more fight in an hour and I have a feeling they'll make it slightly more challenging for me.

"That was amazing, I knew you'd smash it." Veronica pulls me into a hug and passes me a towel. I stand ringside with my friends and shake a few hands. I notice a girl with perfectly curled red hair, I've never seen her before, she wears long black leather trousers, a white top that shows the lower half of her toned stomach and a black leather blazer. She's scrolling on her phone.

"Who's that?" I ask Veronica, nodding in the direction of the red haired girl.

"Cheryl Blossom, she's new. I have no idea why she's here, she was on her phone the whole fight." Veronica looks over her shoulder at the girl and rolls her eyes. I make my way to the bathroom. It's quiet there. I splash water on my face from the sink. Looking at myself in the mirror I internally hype myself up for my next fight.

I push the door to leave, either I underestimated how light the door was or I hyped myself up too much for my next fight.

"Are you fucking serious?" I hear a bang and an emphasis on the curse word from the other side of the door.
I stand open mouthed as the red head appears in front of me. She's holding the side of her head.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry I had no idea I pushed it that hard." I take a step towards her and she takes a step back.

"Don't touch me." Her red plump lips tell me as my hand is reached out about to look at her head.

"Let me see if I can help." I tell her.
"I'm not having some cocky boxer try and touch me, get away." She swats me away and makes her way to the bathroom mirror.
Her head is slightly pink and bruised, she sighs and pulls out some concealer from her small bag, applying it to the area above her eyebrow.
"I've not seen you before." It's like she doesn't even notice me. She's just looking at herself and couldn't care less if I left the bathroom and never saw her again.

"I preferred things the way they were 30 seconds ago, when we'd never met." She continues to dab her face gently. Her eyelashes are thick and black, her face is stern, and her eyes are bold and dark.

"Are you that pissed that the door hit you?" I'm confused as to why she's so off with me, as if I've done something on purpose to make her hate me.

"No. I just don't like boxing and I don't like the look of you." She stops looking at herself for a moment. Her eyes meet mine through the mirror. She turns around and looks me up and down.

"I'm Ciara." I hold my hand out with a small smirk on my mouth, if she wanted me to be intrigued then I'll bite.

"And I bet you have a different girl every other night? And you get away with everything scot free? And you always land on your feet even when you fuck up big time?" She raises an eyebrow at me and flicks her hair over one shoulder.

She brushes her shoulder past mine and walks out of the bathroom.
"Why would I only be able to get a different girl every other night? Don't you think I have it in me to pull every night?" I follow her out of the bathroom and ask the back of her head. She's stopped in her tracks.

"You're disgusting." She says just as we reach my group of friends.

Veronica stands in front of me with a confused look.
"What's going on? They've been calling your name it's time for your next fight." Ronnie tells me as she puts a hand on my cheek, her hand is cold it brings me back into the room.

I look over to see where my new fan has gotten to. She stands ringside, phone away, ready to actually watch me. I get into the ring and Veronica gives me some words of encouragement.

"Enjoy the fight." I show the red head a huge grin and she shakes her head.
"I'll enjoy watching you get the shit beaten out of you." She runs her tongue over her bright white teeth and I feel something inside me, a hunger almost.

"I bet she won't be able to lay a finger on me." I crouch down in the ring, still grinning, looking at her through the ropes. I finally see her smile, she laughs, at me.

"If she so much as lands one single punch on me, I'll give up my cocky player ways that you were so presumptuous over." I hold my hand out.

"And if I win, when I win, you have to stay with me in my dorm for a month." The hunger is eating away at me. Seconds away from my final fight of the evening and as someone who doesn't mind a flutter in the world of gambling, this makes everything so much more exciting.

I see the thoughts ticking over in her mind. Her eyes scan my face and I've side of her mouth rises into a half smile. She holds her hand out and I shake it.
I stand up and hear my friends discussing what just happened between myself and the new girl.

The bell rings and only now am I properly seeing who I'm fighting. About 50lbs heavier than me and a foot taller. Fuck. My feet move fast and I dodge her punches. I land 2 upper body shots. She swings and misses my face by an inch. It's now or never. I can't overthink it. I swing hard and fast. My fist hits her jaw with an almighty crunch. She stays standing. Then suddenly she's on the floor. Knockout.

The crowd goes crazy for me. I get up on the ropes and everyone is cheering. I turn to see Ronnie, her face seems happy but then her eyes turn to the red head. She's furious. I hop out of the ring and stand in front of her.

"You never told me your name, only fair considering you're my new sleepover buddy?" I lean against the ropes behind me and wear the cockiest grin.

"Cheryl Blossom." She tells me and I see her cheeks getting more pink with annoyance by the second. I thrive in her irritation.

The Boxer And The Blossom (GxG Cheryl Blossom)Where stories live. Discover now