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Three days.

Jiyeon had not seen Jungwon since then. The last time she have seen him was that day, when her family found them in the small village of Gwangju.

It's been three days since she last heard his melodic voice that is music to her ears and his wonderful and captivating eyes, his beautiful smile...

Jiyeon misses him. So damn much.

She would cry at the corner of her room, scream at the top of her lungs and throw everything her eyes landing on to the ground. She would call his name all the while doing her best to escape from her room.

Her windows are blocked with thick woods and steels, the door was locked from the outside and there is no possible way for Jiyeon to escape.... But despite that fact, she is still trying.

She doesn't know what happened to Jungwon. She have no idea where the man is, if he's in a good condition and is still alive. If he's having a normal life outside or he's just like her being locked somewhere else...

And it pained her because she have no idea, not a slightest idea about the man's condition.

What if he's out there, having a normal life? If that's so, then Jiyeon is glad he is safe and alive.

But if he is somewhere else where he's being beaten and tortured to death, then Jiyeon swear to God, she will do everything so the Min could fall down to pieces. She doesn't care if they are her family. She doesn't care if her flesh and blood came from them, all she cares is Jungwon and him alone. Nothing else.

A tear rolled down Jiyeon's cheek. But instead of drying it with her hand, she let it be. She doesn't have the strength to do anything but to stare at nowhere, recalling the last moment he had with the other.

Am I still going to see you? Touch you?

Jiyeon shut her eyes tightly causing the tears forming in her glistening eyes fall to her cheeks. Her heart breaking at every second she's reminiscing...

Is this it?

What about the history? Our history?

Despite the knowledge Jiyeon has with her family, despite being fully aware that the thing written in history about them is not true, Jiyeon is still hoping that it is.... Real.

That she and Jungwon will have an ending where they will get married, will have children and will live happily ever after... Just like what was written in history.

But the things that's happening recently is clearly saying, rubbing to her face that it will never happen. With the chain on her right foot to prevent her from leaving the room despite the window and the door being locked, it is just so impossible.

"Fuck history! " She cussed angrily, standing up to her feet and picking up the vase next to her then forcefully threw it on the marbled floor. "FUCK YOU! "

"Fuck everyone in this goddman house! " she screamed, face damp with tears. She goes towards the door, not minding the chain wrapped around her ankle as if it is not there and is making her uncomfortable. She knocked loudly, almost banging it then kicked it with full force

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