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Jiyeon pretended as if she did nothing when she saw the man in her peripheral vision, looked at her on impulse after what she did. She just focused ahead of them while holding his hand.

Holding his hand...

This is the first time Jiyeon held his hand like this, with so much intimacy. And despite the fabric that's covering her hand, she can still feel how warm and soft his hand is.

Jiyeon's heart is beating so rapidly at the moment. She can definitely hear her heart going crazy inside her ribcage given by the fact that the only thing you will hear was the faint sounds of their footsteps. Or that's what she only thought as she's totally oblivious by the fact that both of their heart are having the same rhythm.

Jungwon swallowed, not knowing how to handle such situation. It is the first time he is feeling this unfamiliar and overwhelming feeling.

"W-what are you doing? "

For the first time, Jiyeon heard him stuttered.

"Hmm? Am I doing something? " she asked, acting innocent when she's totally and fully aware of what she is doing.

Jungwon sighed, raising his hand which Jiyeon is currently holding. He gave her a questioning look.


The other smiled widely. "Ahh, this? I'm holding your hand, why? "

"What 'why', lady Min? This is an act of intimacy and we're in a public area. We're being too intimate and we're not even a couple to begin with. "

"I see no problem with that though. " Jiyeon mumbled, not wanting the other to hear it but sadly, he did.

"But I do. " He replied. "Now, with all due respect, lady Min. We are not married, neither a couple so I suggest you to let go. "

Jiyeon huffed, still not letting go. Instead, she tightened her hold against his hand. "If you see it as a problem, then why not make it not a problem? "

Jungwon's brow furrowed, not totally getting what the other meant. "What? "

"If not being married or not being a couple is your problem, then there's a solution, aren't there? "

Coming from the future, Jiyeon can't see nor tell anything wrong with them holding hands. Though she is aware that in this era, something like this is more big deal than the present time. So Jungwon's reaction is understandable when she held his hand.

Why can't you just date me already.

She thought, sighing. She likes him, heck she knew she's already deeply in love with him and she's certain the feeling is mutual so what is stopping him?

What's stopping him for pursuing her? For asking her?

She showed and still showing him many times already how in love she is to the other so what's wrong? What's stopping him?

"My feelings are being reciprocated, right? " Jiyeon asked with soft voice, her confidence is slowly dropping.

Maybe it's just all in my head?

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