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The smile in Jiyeon's lips dropped once she closes the door behind her. She can still hear her mother talking with their 'visitors' on the other side of the door.

She heaved a sigh and began walking towards her bed, shoulders are down as the heavy weight sitting on her finally shown.

Finally done pretending for today. Done pretending in front of those people outside her room.

Jiyeon moved her gaze and it landed on the portrait of her hanging on the wall. It was the same portrait displayed in the museum in the future.

She rises to her feet and walked towards it, eyes not leaving the portrait.

"I think I'm getting it now. " She whispered, eyes glistening from the forming tears in her eyes.

She bit her lips, immediately drying those tears before it can roll on her cheeks. She bit her tongue to divert the internal pain she's currently feeling.

She's been realizing a lot of things these past few days. She's realizing, finally understanding her past more because of the things happening these past few days.

She realizes how ruthless can be the Min family, her own family, just to protect their image. She finally understood why she did not want to be part of the family.

And lastly, she is slowly realizing that there might be history distortion within Jiyeon and Jungwon's story.

Otherwise, why would they threaten her to kill him in front of her if she would continue seeing him, right? Otherwise, why would they force her to marry someone she barely know?

A lot of realization dawned and still dawning at her, making her confused but at the same time, disappointed. Hurt, even.

This rumour circulating around wasn't in the textbooks. It was never mentioned in the history. And that added to the forming conclusion in her head.

That maybe, Jiyeon and Jungwon's story written in history did not really happen.

"People in the area tried to break them apart but the Min family protected them. "

Jiyeon in the future would probably admire the Min family because of that phrase. She would probably wished to have the same parents like the Min...

But now, it is different.

She knew what's happening. She's witnessing everything unfolding right before her eyes. And none of the scenes written in those textbooks matched with what happened and still happening to them, to Jiyeon and Jungwon.

The Min family protected them?

Jiyeon wanted to laugh because what's happening right now is way far from that. Because it is the opposite. It was them who are breaking her and Jungwon apart.

"I can no longer predict- "

She stopped in the midst of her sentence upon realizing what she just said.

How can she use those words when she, from the beginning, cannot really predict what will happen for her? For the both of them?

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