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Jiyeon won't tell them no matter what happens, that is a promise she made a long time ago. And she almost broke that promise when she wasn't aware of her past.

But now that she is, she will not tell them. Now she's promising herself with that same promise she made years ago.

And that is to not and never tell her family about her admiration, her love towards him.

Towards Yang Jungwon.

"Women have no right to choose who to marry, hence you have no right to choose whom to like! Unless it's someone from the upper class "

Those are the exact words her parents told her when she risked asking them if she could choose someone who she can spend her whole life with.

She is not allowed to like someone. She cannot choose who she can be with for the rest of her life...

A bitter smile appears on her lips.

How ironic how every young women out there envy her, wishing to be her because they thought and believe she 'has' everything she can ask for. That she's so special and so above all of the women out there.

Oh how wrong they are.

Well, she wished to be her too, didn't she?

Jiyeon stood in front of the window in her room as she watched the view of the sunset from where she is standing. She bit her lips, getting anxious at every passing seconds.

That day, when Jiyeon woke up in Jungwon's tenement, she memorized the way from his place to the Min residence.

Now that she's aware of her past, she will be more extra careful. Now that she's aware of it, she can't continue going back in the city just to meet the man.

Because they will suspect her. And she is certain of that. Especially her brother who is taking care of his image as a politician.

And Chaeha, as much as Jiyeon wanted the other to accompany her all the time, she can't. Chaeha doesn't deserve to be punished of something she didn't do when all she's doing is to follow Jiyeon.

Once the sun have fully set, letting the darkness invade the place, Jiyeon sat on her bed, waiting for their dinner.

Everything's already planned. She prepared this for how many days and hopefully, it would be successful.

She hopes...

After the dinner, Chaeha sent Jiyeon to her room. The latter waited for about a couple of hours before she changed her clothes into more decent but comfortable one instead of a mere nightwear.

She piled her pillows on her bed then covered them with duvet. She fixed some certain areas to look like someone's really on the bed. A sigh left her lips as she did so.

When Jiyeon was certain everyone is asleep already, she slowly opened the door of her room, closing it so quietly behind her and tiptoed her way downstairs and out of the house.

She ran from the garden and out of the Min residence. A sigh of relief left her lips as she walked down the road.

Jiyeon's heart is thumping inside her ribcage. She felt excited yet worried at the same time. Though those negative thoughts instantly vanished when she remembered what happened that day in that room she was in.

Jungwon might not tell her but she can feel it. Especially from what Chaeha told her what happened after she passed out in that coffeehouse, she knew Jungwon is concerned and worried about her in a certain way. And that alone made her feel things. Made her heart beats in an abnormal way.

And that alone is enough to make her smile.

It took Jiyeon almost half an hour before she arrived at her destination. It's great that there is no people around, even in the main road, as it means that no one will notice nor witness of her walking in the middle of the night in the streets. Alone.

She eyed the door, contemplating to knock or just go inside without a notice. Though in the end, she did not chose the latter. She chose to knock.

And she did.

No response.

She did once again.

But just like earlier, there is no response. Jiyeon's forehead creased as her lips formed in a pout. She heaved a sigh and knocked for the third time, but the result was still the same.

No response.

Jiyeon leaned on the wall next to the door and slid down. Her feet are sore from walking for so long nonstop

Maybe the timing isn't right? Maybe he's not here today...

She thought, eyeing everything around her as her hands began taking off her shoes. She stretched her feet and moaned in relief when the pain from her leg lessened.

It's alright, I'll just come back here tomorrow.

And so she decided to come back after the place tomorrow. Maybe Jungwon's not in his tenement today, maybe he had a sleepover with his friends or in his work place.

So with that in mind, Jiyeon decided to just come back tomorrow. Though she will just rest for a few minutes as her feet hurts from the walking she did earlier, then she will go back in their house after.

She just needs to rest her feet for now.

Jiyeon bit her lips. She reach for her feet and started massaging it. She hissed at some areas that's too painful to press.

Though amidst of her own business, the door next to her suddenly opened. Jiyeon immediately looked at the door and there she saw the man she came for, a gas lamp in hand.

"Lady Min? "

Shock is well evident in Jungwon's form upon seeing the person who interrupted his sleep. The drowsiness he felt earlier, vanished in an instant.

His eyes traveled to the girl's feet that's covered with stockings. He immediately avert his gaze and look at her eyes instead.

"What are you doing here in the middle of the night? "

He asked, sounding concerned and that's enough to make Jiyeon smile.

"Can I come in? "

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