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"My lady! "

Jiyeon immediately signaled the servant to be quiet, to lower her voice as she ducked down while holding the watering can.

"What are we doing, my lady?" Chaeha whispered, asking her lady with bewildered face.

"We're watering the plants, Chaeha. " Jiyeon answered with a faint voice while watering the plants in the area they are currently in.

The servant nodded her head in understatement. "But you're done watering them earlier, my lady. Have you forgotten already? "

Please God.

Jiyeon pursed her lips, lifting her hand and put her index finger on her lips, a sign for the other to be quiet.

"I know. " she whispered before peeking on the window, trying to see what's happening inside the house. In the kitchen to be specific.

Chaeha, who's still not getting what the other is doing, pursed her lip and just let her lady do whatever she's doing. She's just thinking that the plants might grow faster if you watered them twice a day.

Jiyeon's eyes landed on the two figure sitting across to one another. One has a coffee while the other only has a notes and a pen.

A smile appear on her lips when she sees Jungwon, having a serious conversation with her father. His soon to be father in law, she assumed.

She watched how Jungwon's brow raised up, how he broke into a smile, how he squint his eyes while nodding his head, how he talk, Jiyeon watches it all.

Her eyes focused to nothing but to the man alone.

Jiyeon immediately hide to the side when she saw the man looked at the direction of the window where she's peeking. Her heart hammering inside her chest and it's making her nervous.

"Are you okay, my lady? "

She looked at Chaeha who's still standing a few feet away from her, watching her with confused eyes.

She nodded.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm good. " she answered, waiting for a few seconds before moving her head back to the side to peek in the window once again.

Her gaze immediately landed to Jungwon's figure. He's now writing on his notes with a serious expression.

Jiyeon doesn't quite hear what they are talking about but base from the man's expression, it must be serious.

Jiyeon is glad since her father isn't facing the window. She's instead facing his back so she's certain she's safe peeking through the window. The only thing she needs to avoid is getting caught by none other than Jungwon himself.

And just when the thought crossed her mind, Jungwon's gaze landed to her.

And for the second time, Jiyeon immediately hide herself on the wall. Her cheeks turning into a shade of pink.

Chaeha just watched her lady in silence.

And just like that, after a few seconds of calming herself down, Jiyeon once again peeked through the window. Though she stopped and froze on her place when she saw the man looking at her, as if he's aware and is waiting for her to show herself in the window again.

She swallowed, feeling brave yet shy at the same time. She lifted her hand and waved at him, smile spreading on her lips which made Jungwon immediately looked away, avoiding her gaze.

Jiyeon pouted, disappointed with the lack of interaction with the man once again. Though that didn't stopped her as she always smile, waving her hand whenever the man look at her way.


Days passed by with the same happening and that became a routine for Jiyeon.

She would water the plants in the garden and wait for Jungwon there, she would go to the same spot she always go to whenever the man would visit their house to interview her father.

It became a routine for her while Jungwon, on the other hand, is getting used of being watched by the other. He's getting used by seeing the girl smile while waving her hand to him and just like what he has been doing, he would ignore the girl and avoid her gaze at some point.

It's not that he ignore her by his choice. It's just that he doesn't have any other option but to not give her anything in return since, well, he's facing the man. He's facing her father.

And it would be disrespectful and unprofessional of him if he will give her attention while he is doing his work.

Just like now, even though he wanted to smile or raise his brow to the girl in that same spot in the window, he couldn't since he's facing the head of the Min family.

So instead of doing any of those, he just chose to not give her any attention and just focus on his work.

Today is the last day Jungwon would be here, in the Min residence. Today is the last interview he has with Mister Min.

And maybe today will also be the last time he will see her. And that thought didn't sit right in him. Though, he chose to ignore that odd feeling.

"Was that all it? " Joonhyuk, Jiyeon's father and also the head of Min family, asked once Jungwon put his notes in the inside pocket of his coat.

"Yes, Sir. " the young man answered.

"Well then, I'm looking forward to your work, Yang. " the old man stated, stretching his hand to Jungwon.

The latter immediately accepted Mister Min's hand then gladly shook it.

"Thank you, Mister Min. " he replied, bowing a little to the older before finding himself walking out the house.

And just like what Jungwon expected, before he could even step out of the mansion, Jiyeon's figure immediately blocked his way.

"You're leaving? " she asked, glancing to her father. Jungwon followed her gaze, only to bow a little when he met Mister Min's eyes.

"Yes, lady Min. " he answered truthfully.

"Why don't you stay for dinner? "

Now that's a brave of her to ask. Even Jiyeon is aware of that.

"Right, father? We treat visitors properly and it would be rude for him if he'll leave this place with an empty stomach. "

Jungwon gave Jiyeon the 'look' but the girl chose to ignore it. She knows what she's doing, and this, this is part of what's written in the history. With Jungwon, joining them at dinner.

"Of course, why don't you stay for a little while, Yang and join us for dinner? " asked Mister Min.

Jungwon wanted to turn down the invitation. He wanted to tell them he's alright and leave the place already but a part of him, a big part of him to be exact, is wanting to stay because of a certain someone.

And that someone happens to be the girl next to him. The same girl who always act foolish in front of him, smiles at him and making him feel weird things.

Jungwon brushes the thought as he nodded. "I'm so pleased with the offer, Mister Min. Thank you. "

And the next thing he knew is him, having a dinner with the Min family.

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