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I forgot to inform you guys that this story is like base in Europe 1800s, not in Korean 1800s so pls don't be confused :))

That's all, enjoy reading <33


Minjoo picked up her pace out of the big mansion as soon as she heard the lady's voice calling someone's name.

And yeah, it's the 'Jiyeon' again.

Honestly saying, as much as she loves Jiyeon from that certain story in the past, she is starting to get annoyed by that name. Because all people in this house is calling her that and no matter how she tell everyone that her name is Minjoo, they just don't listen.

And it's making her frustrated. At all!

It would be nice if I'm really Jiyeon, I'd be glad to be called by her name.

She thought as soon as she stopped running to catch her breath. She wiped the forming beads of sweats on her forehead.

"Lady Jiyeon! "

Minjoo internally cussed upon hearing the same voice that has been chasing her around since she escaped from her room earlier this morning.

She pressed herself against the wall, attempting to hide while hoping for the girl to not notice her. She looked around and the view of a wide open garden immediately came in her line of sight. Her mouth went agape upon seeing the view right before her.

Minjoo never thought she would see something like this garden that is so wide and fascinating. And there are two fountains in both sides which completed the beautiful look of the garden.

"Lady Jiyeon, madame will be furious if she saw you not resting at this hour! "

Minjoo was snapped back from admiring the endless garden in front of her upon hearing the same voice getting nearer and nearer.

So without really having plan in mind, Minjoo ducked down and started walking, almost crawling, behind those plants that are shaped up to two feet or so.

Please please, don't find me! I'm not Jiyeon, I just want to go home!

It's already ten in the morning when Minjoo had the chance to look at the 'grandfather clock' right at the end of the hallway from the room she was in. It's the same room where she woke up yesterday afternoon.

She quickened her pace once again when she heard the same voice calling for 'Jiyeon's name.

"What's happening? "

Minjoo's eyes widened upon hearing the same deep voice of the intimidating man from yesterday. She immediately stopped on her tracks and she cupped her lips to not released a sound.

Her heart is beating so loud from the intense nervousness she is feeling at the moment. She doesn't want to think she's being kidnapped since it seems like she is really not. It looks like they mistaken her as someone instead.

Probably someone who named Jiyeon.

She thought.

"My lady Jiyeon left her room again, Sir. "

"I told you all I'm not Jiyeon! I am Minjoo, my name is Minjoo! " Minjoo wanted to scream but she held herself and just closed her eyes instead.

Because base from their voices, it looks like that man from yesterday and the girl dressed in black with wide apron who has been calling her 'Jiyeon' are not far from her. Probably in the other side of the shaped plants Minjoo is currently hiding.

"That girl is really testing my patience nowadays. " the man spoke. "Call the physician, tell him I want to meet him this instant. "

"Yes sir. "

Minjoo was about to crawl again when she heard footsteps getting far away from her, thinking they left already. Though she immediately stopped when she heard that same deep voice once again.

"It seems like today is not the right time for that interview, Yang. I'll let you know when I'll be available once again. "

Minjoo didn't quite catch what the man said but she didn't care. All she care now is to escape from that house and from those people.

Even how they dress is so weird. It's like they're existing in Victorian era.

Even after hearing those footsteps once again, Minjoo stayed on her spot since she didn't want to risk being caught. Not when she's already out of the house and the only thing she needed to figure out is the way out of this compound.

She pursed her lips, her heart is still beating in abnormal way as she felt anxious. She closed her eyes and tries to calm herself down.

"Hi? What are you doing there? "

Minjoo's eyes shot open as she felt her heart dropped on the ground upon hearing a voice coming right above her head. Though instead of looking at the owner of the voice, Minjoo acted as if she's finding something on the grass out of panic.

Shit shit shit shit!

She is panicking internally. That's why she acted as if she's finding something on the grass she is on. Her face are just inches away from the ground.

Minjoo heard him chuckled.

Him because she is hundred percent sure it's a boy, perhaps a man, base from their voice.

"Are you wiping those grass or are you cutting them? " the mysterious man asked, making Minjoo a bit embarrassed.

"I'm... I'm polishing them. "

"Oh, you're working here? "

"Yes so can you please, leave? I'm quite busy here, as you can see. "

Oh good Lord, Minjoo didn't really know what she said since she's panicking and having a mental block at the moment. So she hope she didn't make a fool out of herself.

The boy chuckled causing Minjoo to purse her lips while closing her eyes. Yep, she's now aware she's humiliating herself in front of someone she probably didn't know.

"Well then, if your working here miss. Can you escort a visitor out of this village? "

Minjoo's eyes immediately opened upon hearing those words.

Escort a visitor out?

Like out of here?

"YES! " she immediately answered, a bit too loud as she instantly rises to her feet. "I can escort you ou-"

Her words was cut off once her gaze landed on the boy- no, it's not a boy, it's a man standing on the other side.

Her voice were nowhere to be found as Minjoo felt her body being paralyzed upon seeing the man smiling.

Because right there in front of her is someone Minjoo would never thought seeing in person and up close in her entire life. Because right there is none other than Jungwon.

Yang Jungwon.

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