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Minjoo could not believe she is standing in front of the real portrait of Yang Jungwon. She could not believe she is seeing the real photo of him personally and not just in the screen of her computer.

Yang Jungwon. 1842-1909.

Her eyes traveled to the portrait next to it.

Yang Min Jiyeon. 1845-1920.

A smile formed on her lips. They look good together. She's beautiful and he's handsome, they are perfect.

And their story is also perfect.

Minjoo didn't know why but she had the urge to touch the portraits in front of her.

So with that amount of urge, she lifted her hand slowly and was about to touch his portrait but before her finger could even touch it, a faked cough coming next to her stopped her from doing so.

She looked at the man who's standing beside her. Base from his uniform, you can immediately tell it is a staff.

"Oh hi. " Minjoo greeted with a smile.

"Hello there, ma'am. Please refrain from touching the displays and articles, it's one of the rules that visitors must follow. "

Minjoo blinked, feeling embarrassed all of the sudden. She mentally facepalm herself for even trying to touch the display in front of her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know. " she reasoned, slightly bowing to the staff who just gave her a smile and a nod.

"But am I allowed to take pictures of the displays? " she asked, hoping she could but sadly, the staff shook his head.

"I'm sorry ma'am. "

Minjoo's happy expression immediately dropped. She didn't know this museum is that strict to not allow taking pictures of the displays unlike the other ones.

"Okay, thank you. " she says, smiling.

The staff gave her a bow before leaving her side. Minjoo looked at the portrait and she couldn't help but to sigh, her shoulders dropping along with her mood.

"Must be great to be born in your era. " she whispered, still examining the portraits.

Minjoo stayed there for a few more minutes before she decided to explore once again.

The museum will close at exactly six in the evening. So when she saw the time being 5:45, she decided to leave. She didn't know it was this fun being in a museum. That's why she's planning to come back again tomorrow.

Minjoo turned to the side and to the corner and once again, she's back in the room where those two familiar portraits are being displayed.

She stopped walking in front of it.

Now that it's her second time seeing those portraits, she can't help but to have this odd feeling.

She felt something she couldn't explain. Especially when she stared at Jiyeon's eyes.

It may sound crazy but she felt like they are somewhat connected? She felt like they're being tied together and she is probably crazy for thinking such thing.

What the hell?

Minjoo shook her head, glancing at the portraits one last time before she left the room.

"What was that? " she whispered to herself, feeling nervous all of a sudden.

Though she brushed those oddly feelings aside as she thought about what happened today. Her lips curving into a wide smile. She's excited to tell Sihye about the museum tomorrow when they will go shopping.

Minjoo walked to the side of the road and took a cab, planning to go home.

The museum is a bit far from her house so it will take a few minutes before she arrives. She texted her friend, Sihye, about her going home and that she will tell her a lot of stories about what happened at the museum tomorrow.

Sihye just replied with a meme and a simple "ok". Probably annoyed that she will mention 'Jungwon' and 'Jiyeon' again.

Oh how sick Sihye is for hearing those two names from her friend for years now .

Minjoo chuckled, shaking her head as she locked her phone and looked outside the window. She watched the buildings that they are passing by.

Her mind drifting back to what happened inside the museum. The odd feeling she felt while staring at Jiyeon's portrait.

Now, Minjoo could not help but to overthink.

Because those feeling she felt earlier, it's like something is wrong? And that alone is odd because what could go wrong?

And also that feeling like she's somewhat connected to her... God, she must be crazy!

Minjoo run her hand through her locks, feeling stressed all of the sudden.

What could go wrong?

She asked but shook her head and began texting her friend once again, in hopes that it will help her forget those feelings. She also texted her parents that she is on her way home.

And just as when she hit the send button, a blinding lights suddenly strikes her followed by a loud sound. Everything went so fast and the next thing Minjoo knew, she's on the ground staring at the post with a blur vision.

Blood continuously dripping down from her head and to the pavement as her whole body aches. She wanted to scream from the unbearable pain but it's like she's paralyzed. She wanted to scream for help but she can't. She couldn't.

And slowly, so slowly, she lost consciousness as her heartbeat slowed down until it turned to a full stop.

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