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"You're here again. "

Jiyeon's brows rose up upon sensing the attitude with the tone of the girl behind the counter used. She looked both of her side and behind her to make sure the other is talking to her.

"Pardon? "

The girl gave her a sarcastic smile. "What's your order, lady Jiyeon? " she asked in a rather mocking tone.

This is the first time Jiyeon is talking to her without Jungwon's presence. This is also the longest conversation she had with her.

And she infuriates her already.

Despite the need and want to clap back, Jiyeon just decided to let it go and be the 'matured' one. So instead of clapping back, she sighed while holding her temper then smiled.

"One serve of a tea please. "

"Anything else? "

Jiyeon shook her head as an answer, not wanting to prolong the conversation.

"Alright, just wait here for a couple of minutes-"

"Can't you just serve it to my table just like what you're doing before? "

Binna coughed, shaking her head. "Why would I? Jungwon is not here and it's not part of my job. And I'm the daughter of the owner of this coffeehouse, you have no right to ask me bring your order to your table. Do it your own. "

Ahh, so she's doing it for Jungwon.

"Oh, my bad, I forgot you're a lady. You probably didn't know how to hold a tray, do you? " she chuckled. And no, it's not a normal chuckle but an insulting one. "Well, coming from a good class, it's pretty understandable if you know nothing other than strolling around and having your maids do the work for you. "

Binna shook her head then continued. "I'm wondering what did Jungwon even like about you. You don't even meet his standards. "

"And you do? " Jiyeon asked with a low tone which immediately leave an impact to the other as Binna felt intimidated.

Jiyeon is done hearing those bullshit. She's done with the girl and she will no longer hold back if ever. She doesn't care if it will stain her family name but if this girl talked one more time, insulting her, she won't hold back.

Jiyeon looked at her, or more like examined her up and down. "So what if maids are doing the work for me, so what if I'm not knowledgeable enough for the things young women like you, is capable of? So what, " she paused and stared at the name tag attached on the other's clothes. "Binna? "

"Jungwon doesn't deserve you. "

"And you do? " Jiyeon smirked. "What do you even have that you can offer to him? Can you even secure your future without this coffeehouse? I bet not. "

Jiyeon knew what she said is below the belt. But she doesn't care. The girl pushed her to her limit with her pathetic words and Jiyeon is not going to let it slide this time. Because she's so done with the other.

Though instead of getting mad, what Binna did surprised Jiyeon as the girl smiled to her. And Jiyeon couldn't tell what kind of smile it is.

"Between the two of us, I do more than you do. So enjoy your remaining time with him, alright lady Jiyeon? " the other says, setting the cup on the counter.

Jiyeon did not get what the other mean. And she didn't even try to as she took the cup and left the counter immediately.

I really hate her!

If Jiyeon knew something like this happen, she would have listened to Jungwon and go at the exact time he told her to go in the coffeehouse.

Only if she knew.

Then maybe, just maybe she would not see that girl she despises the most and won't have a pathetic conversation with her.

She sighed, setting her tea on the table as she sat on her usual spot and waited for Jungwon all the while trying to calm her nerves down.


"You alright? "

Jiyeon blinked, snapping from the thoughts of the earlier events. "Huh? "

"Is there something in your mind that's bothering you? " Jungwon dropped the bread he's eating and put the plate aside as he set his full attention to the other. "You can tell me everything and we'll sort whatever you have there in your mind. "

Jiyeon pouted. "It's not that something's bothering me, I'm just curious of something. "

"And that is? "

Jiyeon cleared her throat. Not sure if she will ask the other about it or not. But since she knew these thoughts, this curiosity of her, wouldn't let her sleep at night. So in the end, she decided to just ask the other.

"Do you love me? "

Okay, that's not what Jiyeon wanted to ask but she needs an assurance first. And it is also quite a good thing to ask to start the topic.

A smile crept on Jungwon's lips. He looked at her in the eye. "I do. " he answered. "Is that what bothers you, lady Min? "

Jiyeon shook her head, smile plastered on her lips as her cheeks have the shade of pink. "Not really, I just need an assurance. "

"And I'm willing to give you that. "

She hummed before dropping the question that has been in her head since her talk with Binna earlier.

"What is your standard? "

Jungwon's brow furrowed. "I'm sorry, what? "

"Your standard in women, I want to know. " Jiyeon repeated, barely audible which made the other chuckle.

He shrugged his shoulder. "I'm not the type of a person who will set a standard for something. " he answered. "Though I promised myself before to not fall in love to people from the high class. "

Jiyeon's eyes widened upon hearing his answer. Though before she could even think of something that will probably lead her to over thinking, the other continued.

"But they say promises are meant to be broken, and I agree to that. We don't know what the future holds at all, do we? " he says. "You made me break the promise I had with myself, lady Min. "

It may be crazy to think but Jungwon fell harder than he thought. Harder than he should. And he's not sure if he can go with the life without the other by his side. He'll do anything in order for her to stay.

And he just hope Jiyeon would do the same for him. Felt the same way to him.

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