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Amy P.O.V

Jimin: I will let them go from this world.

Wait....what did he just say?! What did he mean by that?!
Is he gonna.....................
No no please.....don't.....
Ahhhh....what should i do???

Jimin: Jungkook....I want to give you the opportunity to kill them....will you accept?

Jungkook: respectfully!!!!

Jimin: Ok then....Tae take this girl and come with me.

This guy named Tae or whatever it is come to me and tightly hold my hand and started dragging with them.

Amy: No No....please....don't kill them....I beg to you guys please....

But they didn't listen to me.
They drag me with them.
That was the last time I saw Oli.

Jimin told Taehyung to lock me up in a dark room. And so he did.

When he lock the door, I heard a noise.
It's a so..sou..sound of gu..gun shots.

That means....he killed them. He really killed them.

I am really really sorry I couldn't save u. I am really a bad friend. You don't deserve a friend like me, you deserve way to better over me.

I couldn't help start to remind our old memories. Our childhood, our pure friendship, our promise.


Author P.O.V

little amy was playing in the park. She was alone there. Her brother was promised her that he will come and play with her.
But he couldn't come because he was stuck in the school for his extra class.
That's why she was playing alone there.

But then a girl came in front of her. She had a really big but beautiful eyes. Her hair was black but really shine. Her age was equal to amy's age.

Amy looked at her.

???: Hi!! I am Orelia. You can call me Oli. Nice to meet you.

Oli gave her(amy) her(oli) most beautiful smile.

Amy: Hi!! I am Amylia. You can call me Amy. Nice to meet you too.

Oli: I was wanted to play here. But I couldn't find anyone here. You are the only one here. So can I play with you?

Amy: Oh yeah!! I also wanted a partner. So yeah...I will love to play with you. Come.

Then they started playing. They talked, they laughed, they did many things.

After this day, they started playing together everyday. Their friendship was becoming more stronger day by day.

They became best friends. They know each other really very well that no one ever did. That know each other secrets.

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