35. Everything is perfect

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Annika had never been so nervous in her life. She had been so much younger with Hallie. Had gone into her first pregnancy full of confidence. A pregnancy that hadn't begun with her getting shot and almost dying. 

She had done too much late night reading while Caia was asleep. With her medical knowledge, she was able to understand well enough the risks of trauma on foetal development.

"You okay?" Caia asked.

"I'd be better if this was all over and done with." Annika pulled the paper gown lower so that it covered more of her. She was grateful her guards hadn't been required to be in the room, and were instead, posted outside the clinic doors.

But all her nerves, all her worries, melted away when she saw the black and grey sonogram on the screen. Caia gripped her hand, interlacing their fingers together.

"Holy shit," Caia whispered. "You're actually pregnant."

The doctor smiled. "Everything is looking good. It looks like you got lucky. The trauma you sustained from the shooting has had no impact on the pregnancy." She smiled. "Congratulations, ladies."

Tears welled in Annika's eyes. Relief washed over her, but it was tainted by fear. A fear she constantly fought to keep under control. This was her baby. It was Caia's baby. It was not his child, no matter the biological link between them. She refused to let him win.

Annika smiled at Caia, who wore a wide grin. "We're pregnant."

"I mean, you're doing all the work," Caia said, still grinning. "Again."

"Well, maybe you can carry the next one."

"Whoa." Caia's eyes were wide. "Let's just get through this pregnancy and then infancy before we even suggest something like that, okay?"

"No pressure. Two is more than enough for me. But, if you ever do want to explore that in the future, I'd be open to the idea." Annika frowned. "I've never even thought to ask how you felt about being a mum... before Hallie and I, that is."

Caia shrugged. "Never really thought about it. I mean, I guess..."

"You guess what?"

"I guess I always thought I'd be terrible at it, or that I didn't deserve it. But then I met you and Hallie, and I wouldn't trade it for the world. And now this little guy is on the way, so... I may not have known before, but I know now that I definitely want to be a parent to these two."

"Little guy?"

"Oh yeah, you're totally having a boy."

"And what makes you say that?"

Caia shrugged. "Not sure. Just a feeling."

Annika's attention was drawn back to the screen. "I have no idea how to raise a boy."

'Well, up until four years ago, you didn't know how to raise a girl, either."


"And Skye has three boys, so her and Nick can help out if we need them to." Caia smirked. "Don't worry, if we do have a boy, we're going to make sure he grows into a respectful man, not some dipshit misogynist. Who better to raise a man than two women, right?"

Every time Caia used the word we, it filled Annika with joy. She was really, truly on board with this. They were a family. All four of them.


Planning a wedding when on house arrest hadn't been an easy task. Skye had been at the house almost every day since they announced their engagement. Annika wasn't sure what she would do without her. But when she removed her dress from its bag, every emotion within her came bursting out. It was the pregnancy. Her hormones had been a raging mess the last few days.

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