20. A secret encounter

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Annika stared at the photograph on her phone. She felt as though she didn't even know the man in it. She had never known him. But he had loved her. She had felt it. And she had loved him. Right up until the day she found out what kind of man he really was. She hadn't believed it at first. But when she took stock of their finances and investments, when she followed the trail, it was all there right in front of her.

In a moment of frustration, of heartache, she deleted the photo. It was the only one left that didn't include Hallie. Those ones she kept.

She didn't want to be reminded of him anymore.

Because she wouldn't have stayed with him had she known the truth. No matter how much she loved him, she would have left. She could have tolerated the drugs. But what she couldn't handle was the violence, the weapons. So much of it that it made her sick. She had suspected early on that there was more she hadn't been told about. Operations that went on behind her back. Much more sinister crimes.

Her suspicions grew two days ago when she found evidence of dealings that had gone on at the club without her knowledge. A large sum of money had been transferred, and quickly.

Six months prior she had hired someone to set up a whole new surveillance and technology system at Luxe. Part of this had included the capability to steal copies of anything downloaded using the club's wifi, which she used as part of her investigation.

There had been nothing remarkable until now. What she found was a list of names, ages, genders, and prices. She had almost vomited upon seeing it. She had suspected, but had hoped like hell it wasn't true. That her husband hadn't been involved in human trafficking.

It seemed he wasn't merely involved, but running the show.

She felt dirty for ever having been with him. There were children on that list. Underage, or barely of age girls. He had sold children and had come home to her every night as though he were nothing more than a businessman.

But Annika had pushed her feelings down, to be a better mother, and to take care of Caia.

By the time Annika went down for breakfast, Caia and Hallie were already in the kitchen, the former preparing breakfast for them both.

When Caia looked up, she smiled brightly. "Morning," she said, before turning her attention to the pan on the stove, and the pancake cooking within it.

"You're up early," Annika said, leaning against the counter.

"I know. Little bug over here ran into your room at 6am and landed on me instead of you. I didn't want to wake you, so we came downstairs to start breakfast." Caia flipped the pancake, which sizzled as the batter hit the pan.

"Aunty Cai?" Hallie asked. "When are my pancakes ready?"

Caia grinned down at her. "It's almost ready, oh dear impatient one." She looked up at Annika, still smiling. "I adore your kid, but I swear she's always hungry."

"Let's go eat," Annika said, grinning at the two of them interacting.

Over the time they had spent together, Caia and Hallie had formed quite a bond. No matter how sick Caia had felt, or how grumpy during her withdrawals, she had been nothing but kind and patient with the child.

It was often the way Annika judged a person. If they weren't good with Hallie, chances were she wouldn't want them around. But Caia was brilliant with her. She hadn't lied when she had said she was good with kids.

They ate breakfast, while listening as Hallie gave an energetic recount of the latest episode of her favourite cartoon, in between shovelling away mouthfuls of pancake.

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