32. Earn it

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It had taken most of the day for the effects of Caia's punishment to wear off. The instant she had panicked in the shower, a feeling of dread had filled her. She hadn't used her safeword, but somehow, Annika had known not to push her any further. And she had felt awful because of it. She had failed. Annika had asked something very simple of her, and she hadn't been able to do it.

Of course, Annika had given her ample opportunities to make up for it, which helped soften the blow, but she couldn't shake the feeling of failure. Of shame. As a result, she had practically followed Annika around like a lost puppy the rest of the day, constantly seeking reassurance.

As expected, Annika had indulged her, taking any opportunity to shower Caia with praise and words of comfort. She gave her small tasks throughout the day to complete, using them as an excuse to tell her what a good job she had done. It had been anything from getting her a drink, to cooking dinner, or fetching something for her.

Two days in, and Caia had become very, very comfortable with being Annika's full time submissive. While she wouldn't want to do it constantly, she knew she would likely want it again in the future after they had gone back to their usual dynamic. It brought her endless comfort to follow Annika's rules and be praised as a result. It gave her structure.

Caia was in her own mind when she felt Annika's arms wrap around her from behind. She smiled and eased into her embrace while washing the last of the dishes from dinner.

"Hello, my love," Annika whispered. "How are you feeling now?"

After drying her hands, Caia turned in Annika's arms. "I'm okay."

"Still feeling a little insecure?"

Caia shrugged. "A little. I mean, logically I know everything is fine. It's just this residual feeling of anxiety that's left now."

"I'm sorry. I should have stuck to the list."

"No. It's not like it was anything outrageous you were asking me to do, and I did give you permission to get creative. It wouldn't have hurt me. I should have just sucked it up and lasted the three minutes as you asked."

Guilt and regret swirled in Annika's dark eyes. She held Caia close, before burying her face in her neck. "Is there anything I can do to help make you feel better?"

"I really like serving you. Knowing I'm yours or letting you use me. Anything I can do to please you. Maybe..." Caia sighed. "I feel like I really need to earn it, you know? It's like, when you're so nice to me, I enjoy hearing your praise, but sometimes I feel like I don't deserve it. Maybe if you make me earn it, I'll feel a little more balanced."

Annika pulled back, smiling. "Go upstairs and get your collar. Put on some lingerie and a robe, then come downstairs."

"Are you sure that's a good idea? What if Hallie wakes up?"

With a pointed glare, Annika lifted her hand to Caia's throat, applying gentle pressure. "Are you questioning me?"

Caia fought the reflex to gulp down air. "No, ma'am."

"Good. And that's what the robe is for. I'll hear if Hallie get up, and I'll make sure you're covered up if she does come down. It's not like we'll be having sex down here." Annika smiled. "Now, be a good girl and do as I asked. And don't question me again."

"Yes, ma'am," Caia said.

She practically sprinted up the stairs. Despite the low risk, the idea of wearing her collar and lingerie outside the bedroom excited her. It was the symbolism of it; doing something ordinary while clearly showing that she belonged to Annika.

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